Lastest Stories by Drew Wood

Since declaring independence in 1776, the United States has fought in at least 12 major wars and scores of smaller conflicts. Amazingly, today, America has close alliances with some of its former...
Warren Buffett made his first million by 32. At 56 he started making real money, becoming a billionaire. Today, at 93, his fortune is $139 billion, making him one of the world’s top 1o richest...
Conventional wisdom has it that democracies are less warlike than authoritarian regimes. Is this actually true? Research studies have shown that countries of either ideology fight roughly equal...
If you’re in your 50s, it makes sense to pay attention to what Warren Buffett says. After all, he became a billionaire at age 56, and now, at a lively 93 years old, he is worth an astounding $139...
With advances in medicine and living standards, more and more people are living into their 80s, 90s, and beyond. The number of people in the world aged 65 and older is expected to reach 1.5 billion...
The United States started out as 13 separate British colonies that didn’t always get along with each other. After the Revolution, they could have gone on to develop as independent nations. Instead,...
In case you missed it, the American Southwest has been going through a drought for the past 24 years. Tree ring and geologic data show it is the worst drought in the region for 1200 years! Lake Mead...
Some food combos are so natural that not putting them together seems weird—peanut butter and jelly, french fries and ketchup, coffee and cream. But what about peanut butter and pickles, french...
In our teens and twenties, most of us want to do things our own way. But by the time we reach our 30s, the realities of life are hitting hard: childcare, car repairs, endless student loan payments,...
Generation Z—people born between 1997-2012—are currently the object of intense scrutiny in the media. The oldest members of this generation are already in their late 20’s and their spending...
Joe Biden once called himself a “gaffe machine” and has proven the point in decades of cringy and hilarious faux-pas. Like many politicians, he has used Twitter/X to get his message out...
Many people have a travel “bucket list” of their dream destinations, but if you ask, you’ll find out they also have an “anti-bucket list” of places they would...
The 1970s were pivotal years in the Cold War. The United States was at a low ebb, still reeling from the Vietnam War, social unrest, assassinations, and major political scandals. Meanwhile, the...
Baby Boomers have enormously impacted American society every decade since World War II, and the 2020s are no exception. Born between 1946 and 1964, they’re currently between 60 and 78 years...
In recent decades, African-American actresses have ruled, breaking out of stereotypical roles, acting as cultural icons of music, dance, and fashion, and becoming household names worldwide. Of...