Banking, finance, and taxes
Banking, finance, and taxes Articles
The United States has the biggest debt in its history, an eye-watering $36 trillion. Much of that is owed to foreign countries, so understandably, some people wonder, what would happen if we just...
Nobody likes taxes. Well, maybe the IRS. But we can safely say even their agents don’t like paying taxes. Everybody likes spending them. Even the most fiscally conservative advocate of small...
24/7 Insights Tariffs are often self-defeating policy implemented by corrupt or ignorant governments. Tariffs always punish the consumer the most, as well as the importer and exporter. Download our...
The current United States national debt is $35.8 trillion and increasing by another trillion dollars every 100 days from spending and interest, no matter who is president. To make those numbers even...
24/7 takeaways Currencies are always changing and being replaced. Most countries use multiple currencies to facilitate commerce. Download our free report on the two stocks we recommend to all...
24/7 Insights Tax havens are perfectly legal. The US has its own tax havens, such as those in states like Delaware. It’s very hard to recover money from a tax haven nation. Also: Discover...
24/7 Insights U.S. debt is valuable to other nations as an investment or to secure large amounts of U.S. Dollars. Many of the U.S.’s allies have begun to sell their debt, including Japan, China,...
In the world today there are about 180 different currencies in use. Some outvalue the dollar while others are literally not worth the paper they’re printed on. In countries experiencing high...
Chase Bank has started opening branches for affluent Americans. They include specially trained staff and offer free umbrellas.
With so many online and AI-assisted options available, does JPMorgan Chase need to operate thousands of bank branches?