
Economy Articles

The most recent ISM manufacturing report points to stronger conditions for a sector that looks to be picking up steam.
A research firm has forecast that the potential fury of storms this year could cause $1.6 trillion in damage to residential properties.
According to the OECD's latest economic outlook, the global economy is seeing stronger growth as the result of a recovery in trade, higher investment and increased job creation. However, this outlook...
The second estimate of first-quarter U.S. GDP growth was revised downward by 0.1 percentage points to 2.2% quarter over quarter.
The White House said Tuesday morning that the United States would identify in June certain Chinese goods that would be subject to 25% tariffs and begin imposing the tariffs shortly thereafter.
The Conference Board has released its May reading of consumer confidence, showing a gain after a downward revision in April.
A potential summit meeting between the United States and North Korea to discuss Korea's nuclear weapons program is under discussion again. The isolated country also has other military and cyber...
Many Americans would rather count on modest paying jobs than have high paying jobs which might face jeopardy. This is based on a new study from the Federal Reserve. According to the Report on the...
One of the parts of the storm analysis system which is often overlooked is economic models. As tropical storm Alberto plows through the Gulf of Mexico, it appears to have set a course north through...
The storm season has begun. The National Weather Service reports that activity may be higher than normal. The first storm out of the gate is Alberto.
With Memorial Day quickly approaching, hurricane season is almost upon us. Last year Texas was rocked by one of the most devastating hurricanes this country has seen, so there’s no doubt that...
While the gig economy got a lot of news coverage a few years ago, there's not so much now. There are at least a couple of good reasons for that: first, the pay is terrible, and second, the impact is...
There is new research that may partly explain why the gap between CEO compensation and average worker pay has gotten so wide.
There have been worries that the global economy could reach a slow patch, or even a recession, as consumer spending falters, oil price increases take hold and early stages of inflation and trade...
According to a study by the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, young American families have recovered least from the effects of the Great Recession and are at risk of becoming the country's next "lost...