
Infrastructure Articles

The lack of interest in nuclear power generation in the United States continues to grow. Today, Dominion Resources Inc. (NYSE: D) announced that it will stop producing power at its 556-megawatt...
General Electric Co. (NYSE: GE) has delivered its third-quarter earnings. And it seems like the company has delivered news that will appease some concerns of the bulls but will still give the bears...
One report that rarely receives enough attention is the Federal Reserve’s monthly report on capacity utilization. The industrial production numbers tend to be more volatile and can fluctuate, but...
Dynegy Inc. (NYSE: DYN) has now successfully completed its Chapter 11 reorganization and emerged from bankruptcy. The newly traded independent power producing company has approximately $800 million...
AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T) has just initiated its fourth payment of a $0.44 per common share quarterly dividend. We were not expecting a dividend hike this month, but we are formally setting December...
General Electric Co. (NYSE: GE) has been enjoying a recovery despite what has been a period of caution for so many global corporations. In a meeting today, GE’s Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt has...
Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) has now updated analysts as Chairman & CEO Doug Oberhelman and members of the executive team provided a long-term update for the company’s strategy and...
General Electric Co. (NYSE: GE) managed to hit what was almost a four-year high yesterday as shares crept above $22.00 for the first time since the panic selling of the recession took shares from $30...
Industrial production and capacity utilization for the month of August is out. The question to ask is whether today’s industrial production report even matters. After the QE3 announcement was...
General Electric Co. (NYSE: GE) managed to do something rather unique today along with the Bernanke and QE3 led rally. The stock did not just reach a new 52-week high. GE hit a high not seen since...
flickr/Harald GrovenChina has decided that what its economy needs is an extraordinary stimulus package. As its growth in gross domestic product drops toward what is likely to be 7% and its PMI data...
The FCC issued its Eighth Broadband Progress Report, which it has to do annually according to Section 706 the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The core reason for the effort is to show whether...
JDS Uniphase Corp. (NASDAQ: JDSU) reported adjusted fourth fiscal quarter EPS of $0.15 and $439.3 million in revenues before markets opened this morning. In the same period a year ago, the fiber...
American States Water Co. (NYSE: AWR) has just announced that it is raising its dividend. The water utility said this brings its payout ratio more in-line with its industry peers and that this...
Twitter and India may want to hire the same quality assurance outfit. According to Techcrunch, Twitter has 500 million users, of which the tech news site says 170 million are active. One of the...