Special Report

Every State's Unemployment Claims Since COVID-19 Shut the Economy Down

Mladen_Kostic / E+ via Getty Images

The continuing economic slowdown in the United States has resulted in another weekly surge of jobless claims, with more than 4 million Americans filing for unemployment last week. Since mid-March, over 24 million Americans have filed for unemployment, effectively wiping out all employment gains of the last decade in only five weeks. 

The increasing number of claims is a sure sign the U.S. is facing an unemployment crisis of historic proportions. According to some estimates, the latest jobless claims suggest the unemployment rate could be nearing 20%, higher than at any time since the Great Depression. 

As the number of jobless claims continues to surge with each passing week, 24/7 Wall St. has been compiling a state-by-state review of jobless claims. Job losses by state range from the tens of thousands to the millions over the five weeks beginning on March 15, amounting to anywhere from 6% to more than 25% of a state’s total labor force. Over the most recent week of data, April 12 to April 18, unemployment claims were anywhere from five to 86 times what they were in the same week last year, depending on the state. 

The current economic downturn is largely attributable to efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus. Elected officials across the country have heeded advice from health experts and instituted a range of measures to facilitate social distancing, from shelter-in-place orders to closing nonessential businesses. These measures, however, have taken a toll on the economy. Here is a look at what countries with some success against the coronavirus are doing to flatten the curve. 

The states where unemployment rates are projected to be the highest in the coming months tend to be those that rely on industries that will likely bear the brunt of the current economic downturn. These industries include leisure and hospitality, travel services, transportation and warehousing, and oil and gas extraction. Here is an in-depth look at the U.S. industries being devastated by the coronavirus.

Click here to see every state’s unemployment claims since COVID-19 shut the economy down
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BlazenImages / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 341,561 (15.2% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 65,431 (24th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +63,496 (+3,281%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 16.8% (21st lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 14.5% (6th lowest)


Chilkoot / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 61,245 (17.7% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 13,027 (10th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +12,165 (+1,411%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 21.8% (4th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 17.8% (3rd highest)

Davel5957 / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 421,090 (12.0% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 71,843 (21st most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +66,513 (+1,248%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 19.3% (15th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.4% (24th lowest)

Belinda Hankins Miller from U.S.A., upload by Herrick 10:33, 15 November 2007 (UTC) / Wikimedia Commons

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 158,982 (11.7% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 24,236 (15th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +22,823 (+1,615%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 17.0% (23rd lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.3% (22nd lowest)


nata_rass / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 3.4 million (17.3% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 533,568 (the most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +489,668 (+1,115%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 17.9% (22nd highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.6% (19th highest)

milehightraveler / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 301,177 (9.7% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 68,667 (23rd most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +66,678 (+3,352%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 18.6% (19th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 14.1% (4th lowest)


SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 228,598 (12.1% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 102,757 (12th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +95,295 (+1,277%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 14.2% (the lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 14.8% (10th lowest)

ymn / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 71,316 (14.8% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 9,294 (5th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +8,941 (+2,533%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 17.0% (22nd lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 16.8% (6th highest)

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 1.2 million (11.3% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 505,137 (2nd most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +499,226 (+8,446%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 20.1% (6th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.5% (24th highest)


Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 1.1 million (21.5% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 243,677 (4th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +239,022 (+5,135%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 19.7% (9th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 14.9% (11th lowest)

wingmar / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 171,708 (25.8% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 26,477 (16th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +25,488 (+2,577%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 27.1% (2nd highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 17.8% (3rd highest)


mattalberts / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 108,418 (12.5% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 12,456 (9th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +11,539 (+1,258%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 16.1% (16th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 14.0% (3rd lowest)

RudyBalasko / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 737,472 (11.4% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 102,736 (13th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +94,595 (+1,162%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 18.8% (17th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.6% (19th highest)

Davel5957 / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 515,177 (15.2% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 75,483 (18th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +72,764 (+2,676%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 18.0% (21st highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.0% (16th lowest)


Maksymowicz / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 232,913 (13.6% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 27,912 (17th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +26,089 (+1,431%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 14.9% (3rd lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 14.2% (5th lowest)

Davel5957 / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 188,992 (12.8% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 31,920 (18th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +30,753 (+2,635%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 15.8% (14th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 14.7% (8th lowest)


Davel5957 / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 499,572 (24.3% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 103,548 (11th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +101,565 (+5,122%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 19.4% (13th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 16.3% (10th highest)

DenisTangneyJr / iStock via Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 442,151 (21.3% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 92,039 (14th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +90,446 (+5,678%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 19.5% (12th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 18.0% (2nd highest)

Ultima_Gaina / iStock via Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 101,073 (14.8% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 11,446 (7th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +10,758 (+1,564%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 15.1% (8th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.7% (17th highest)


SeanPavonePhoto / iStock

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 347,367 (10.7% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 46,676 (24th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +43,419 (+1,333%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 15.7% (12th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 13.9% (the lowest)

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 653,680 (17.2% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 80,345 (17th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +69,069 (+613%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 15.0% (6th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.1% (18th lowest)


Sean Pavone / iStock via Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 1.2 million (23.9% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 134,119 (8th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +129,277 (+2,670%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 16.4% (17th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.2% (21st lowest)

RudyBalasko / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 503,134 (16.3% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 74,873 (19th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +71,750 (+2,297%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 14.9% (4th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.0% (16th lowest)

dszc / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 164,977 (13.0% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 35,843 (20th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +34,971 (+4,010%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 19.1% (16th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 17.5% (5th highest)


f11photo / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 392,799 (12.8% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 52,678 (25th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +50,297 (+2,112%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 16.6% (19th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.7% (17th highest)

miroslav_1 / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 82,140 (15.6% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 10,509 (6th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +9,742 (+1,270%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 19.4% (14th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 16.3% (10th highest)


Davel5957 / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 96,098 (9.4% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 12,340 (8th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +11,582 (+1,528%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 15.7% (11th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.1% (18th lowest)

photoquest7 / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 343,075 (22.4% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 40,909 (22nd fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +38,249 (+1,438%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 33.5% (the highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 19.7% (the highest)

DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

New Hampshire
> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 144,342 (18.8% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 19,110 (13th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +18,636 (+3,932%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 15.1% (9th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.0% (16th lowest)


bluebeat76 / Getty Images

New Jersey
> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 817,601 (18.3% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 139,277 (7th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +128,540 (+1,197%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 17.4% (24th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.6% (19th highest)

DenisTangneyJr / E+ via Getty Images

New Mexico
> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 104,467 (11.0% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 13,338 (11th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +12,651 (+1,841%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 18.8% (18th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 16.2% (14th highest)


TomasSereda / Getty Images

New York
> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 1.4 million (14.6% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 204,716 (5th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +192,668 (+1,599%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 15.1% (7th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 16.4% (8th highest)

RickSause / Getty Images

North Carolina
> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 648,320 (12.8% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 104,515 (10th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +101,858 (+3,834%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 17.6% (23rd highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.5% (24th highest)

gabetcarlson / Getty Images

North Dakota
> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 51,149 (12.8% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 9,042 (4th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +8,825 (+4,067%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 19.8% (8th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.6% (19th highest)


TraceRouda / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 964,906 (16.7% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 108,801 (9th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +102,725 (+1,691%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 17.0% (24th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 16.4% (8th highest)

Davel5957 / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 224,982 (12.3% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 40,297 (21st fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +38,260 (+1,878%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 19.9% (7th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 14.7% (8th lowest)


4nadia / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 230,022 (11.0% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 35,101 (19th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +31,080 (+773%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 16.4% (18th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.5% (24th highest)

f11photo / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 1.5 million (23.2% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 198,081 (6th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +185,623 (+1,490%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 16.7% (20th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 16.6% (7th highest)

SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

Rhode Island
> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 131,977 (23.9% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 17,578 (12th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +13,994 (+390%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 17.1% (25th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.4% (24th lowest)


SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

South Carolina
> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 347,137 (14.7% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 73,116 (20th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +71,245 (+3,808%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 19.6% (10th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.0% (16th lowest)

JMichl / E+ via Getty Images

South Dakota
> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 28,187 (6.2% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 5,128 (2nd fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +4,949 (+2,765%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 14.5% (2nd lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.8% (15th highest)


DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 383,618 (11.6% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 68,968 (22nd most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +67,007 (+3,417%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 20.3% (5th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.8% (15th highest)

SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 1.3 million (9.3% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 280,406 (3rd most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +268,967 (+2,351%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 19.6% (11th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.2% (21st lowest)

claire codling / iStock via Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 125,050 (7.9% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 19,751 (14th fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +18,648 (+1,691%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 17.0% (25th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 14.8% (10th lowest)


Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 50,987 (14.8% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 6,434 (3rd fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +5,490 (+582%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 15.4% (10th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.0% (16th lowest)

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 495,149 (11.3% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 84,387 (16th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +82,156 (+3,682%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 15.7% (13th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 14.0% (3rd lowest)


LoweStock / iStock via Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 717,570 (18.5% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 89,105 (15th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +83,357 (+1,450%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 15.0% (5th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.2% (21st lowest)

DavidByronKeener / Getty Images

West Virginia
> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 93,748 (11.9% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 46,251 (23rd fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +45,450 (+5,674%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 18.2% (20th highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 16.3% (10th highest)

Ron_Thomas / Getty Images

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 392,674 (12.7% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 55,886 (25th most)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +50,984 (+1,040%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 15.8% (15th lowest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 15.6% (19th highest)


aoldman / iStock

> Unemployment claims since mid-March: 25,707 (8.9% of labor force)
> Most recent week’s unemployment claims (April 12 – April 18): 3,321 (the fewest)
> Change in weekly claims from one year ago: +2,965 (+833%)
> Pct. of workers in high-risk industries: 25.5% (3rd highest)
> Projected unemployment rate, July 2020: 16.3% (10th highest)


To determine the number of unemployment claims in each state, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the total initial unemployment claims for each week, from the week ending March 21, 2020 through the week ending April 18, 2020 — a total of five weeks. Unemployment claims figures are not seasonally adjusted and are from the Department of Labor.

To calculate unemployment claims from March 15 through April 18 as a share of each state’s labor force, we used the unadjusted number of claims over that five week period and the total size of the labor force (not seasonally adjusted) as of February 2020 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Employment Statistics.

The identification of high-risk industries comes from a March 2020 paper, “COVID-19: A Fiscal Stimulus Plan,” published by Moody’s Analytics, an economic research company. Employment data by industry came from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages and are annual estimates for 2018.

The projected unemployment rate by state for July 2020 came from a report published on April 1 by the Economic Policy Institute, a nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank.

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