Special Report

How Many Full-Time Workers Were in Poverty the Year You Were Born

Spencer Platt / Getty Images News via Getty Images

Poverty in the U.S. rose to 11.4% of the population last year, a 1 percentage point increase from 2019, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The official poverty rate does not account for the pandemic-related emergency stimulus checks, which helped rescue millions of families from falling into poverty. The official poverty rate increased in 2020 after five consecutive annual decreases.

Millions of American adults 16 and older live in poverty, though the numbers have fluctuated over the years since 1978, from 16.8 million to 32.5 millions. Among these tens of millions of Americans 16 years and older who live below the official poverty level are millions who actually work full-time, year-round. (This is the city hit hardest by extreme poverty in every state.)

Since 1978, between 6.1% and 12.6% of the 16 and older Americans who lived in poverty have worked full-time, year-round. Though they work full time, these workers — between 1.3 million and 3.1 million, depending on the year — earn poverty-level wages.

A great many more of the age group work, but not full time or year-round. Since 1978, between 29.6% and 42.5% of Americans 16 years and older who lived below the poverty line have worked at least part time. (This is the poverty rate the year you were born.)

Women are more likely than men to be among the working poor. Black and Hispanic Americans are more likely than whites and Asians to be among the working poor, too. Individuals without college educations and who work in the low-wage services industries are also far more likely to be working poor.

Here’s the number of full-time and part-time working people living in poverty each year since 1978

To determine the number of full-time, year-round working people living in poverty each year, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed U.S. Census Bureau data going back to 1978. Additional data includes the percentage of people in poverty who are working full time, year-round out of all working-age people in poverty; the number of people working, but not year-round or full-time, who are in poverty; and the percentage of poor part-time workers out of all working-age people in poverty.

Steve Morgan / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 1.3 million — the lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 7.7% — 2nd lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 6.6 million — the lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 39.0% — 21st lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 16.9 million — 2nd lowest since 1978


Frances M Ginter / Getty Images

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 1.4 million — 2nd lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 8.3% — 4th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 6.6 million — 2nd lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 39.3% — 22nd highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 16.8 million — the lowest since 1978

Bogaerts, Rob / Anefo / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 1.6 million — 4th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 8.7% — 7th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 7.7 million — 4th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 40.6% — 18th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 18.9 million — 3rd lowest since 1978

White House Photographic Office / The National Archives and Records Administration / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 1.9 million — 6th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.1% — 16th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 8.5 million — 12th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 41.4% — 7th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 20.6 million — 7th lowest since 1978


Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.0 million — 10th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.0% — 13th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.0 million — 20th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 40.8% — 14th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 22.1 million — 14th lowest since 1978

Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.1 million — 12th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.1% — 15th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.3 million — 17th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 41.0% — 10th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 22.7 million — 18th lowest since 1978


Marcin Wichary / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.1 million — 14th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.6% — 20th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.0 million — 18th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 41.8% — 5th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 21.5 million — 12th lowest since 1978

Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.0 million — 9th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.3% — 19th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.0 million — 19th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 42.4% — 2nd highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 21.2 million — 11th lowest since 1978

A1C Nancy Smelser / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.0 million — 11th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.7% — 16th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 8.7 million — 15th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 42.3% — 3rd highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 20.7 million — 8th lowest since 1978


Virginia Tehan / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 1.8 million — 5th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 8.9% — 12th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 8.3 million — 7th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 40.2% — 21st highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 20.5 million — 6th lowest since 1978

National Park Service / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 1.9 million — 8th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.5% — 21st lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 8.4 million — 8th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 41.2% — 8th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 20.3 million — 5th lowest since 1978


Library of Congress / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 1.9 million — 7th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.6% — 19th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 8.4 million — 9th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 42.0% — 4th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 20.0 million — 4th lowest since 1978

Andrew Thomas / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.1 million — 13th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.8% — 15th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 8.7 million — 14th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 41.0% — 11th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 21.2 million — 10th lowest since 1978

U.S. Air Force / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.1 million — 15th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.3% — 18th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.2 million — 19th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 40.9% — 13th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 22.5 million — 17th lowest since 1978


Gary B. Edstrom / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.2 million — 16th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.2% — 17th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.7 million — 11th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 40.6% — 19th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 24.0 million — 21st highest since 1978

Official White House photograph / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.4 million — 20th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.7% — 17th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 10.1 million — 7th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 40.8% — 15th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 24.8 million — 17th highest since 1978


Andrea Booher / FEMA / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.5 million — 19th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 10.5% — 12th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.8 million — 9th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 40.8% — 16th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 24.1 million — 20th highest since 1978

NASA / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.4 million — 21st lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 10.5% — 11th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.5 million — 13th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 41.1% — 9th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 23.1 million — 20th lowest since 1978

Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.3 million — 17th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.6% — 21st highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.6 million — 12th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 40.8% — 17th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 23.5 million — 21st lowest since 1978


Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.3 million — 18th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 10.3% — 13th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.4 million — 14th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 41.5% — 6th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 22.8 million — 19th lowest since 1978

Flickr user Kevin Jarrett / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.8 million — 7th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 12.6% — the highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.1 million — 21st highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 41.0% — 12th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 22.3 million — 16th lowest since 1978


Grj23 / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.6 million — 18th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 11.8% — 2nd highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.3 million — 18th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 42.5% — the highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 21.8 million — 13th lowest since 1978

Rob Boudon / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.4 million — 22nd highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 11.6% — 4th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 8.5 million — 11th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 40.4% — 20th highest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 21.1 million — 9th lowest since 1978

SFC Thomas R. Roberts / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.6 million — 17th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 11.5% — 5th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 8.5 million — 13th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 38.3% — 20th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 22.2 million — 15th lowest since 1978


Sergeant Joseph R. Chenelly, United States Marine Corps / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.6 million — 14th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 11.2% — 8th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.0 million — 17th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 37.9% — 19th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 23.6 million — 22nd highest since 1978

National Archive Catalog / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.6 million — 13th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 10.9% — 9th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 8.8 million — 16th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 36.3% — 14th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 24.3 million — 19th highest since 1978


Tech. Sgt. Jerry Morrison Jr., U.S. Air Force / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.9 million — 5th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 11.4% — 6th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.4 million — 15th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 37.2% — 18th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 25.3 million — 15th highest since 1978

Jocelyn Augustino / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.9 million — 4th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 11.4% — 7th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.3 million — 16th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 36.8% — 15th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 25.4 million — 13th highest since 1978

Kjetil Ree / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.9 million — 2nd highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 11.7% — 3rd highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.2 million — 20th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 36.9% — 16th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 24.9 million — 16th highest since 1978


Ben Stanfield / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.8 million — 9th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 10.9% — 10th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.1 million — 21st lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 35.9% — 12th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 25.3 million — 14th highest since 1978

CODEPINK Women For Peace / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.8 million — 10th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 10.1% — 14th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 10.1 million — 8th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 37.1% — 17th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 27.2 million — 11th highest since 1978


Master Sgt. Cecilio Ricardo, U.S. Air Force / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.6 million — 11th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 8.9% — 11th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 10.7 million — 4th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 36.1% — 13th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 29.6 million — 7th highest since 1978

U.S. Coast Guard / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.6 million — 12th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 8.3% — 3rd lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 10.7 million — 3rd highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 33.9% — 9th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 31.7 million — 4th highest since 1978

David Shankbone / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.8 million — 8th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 8.8% — 9th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 10.6 million — 5th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 33.5% — 8th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 31.6 million — 5th highest since 1978


New Jersey National Guard / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.9 million — 3rd highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.1% — 14th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 11.0 million — 2nd highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 34.4% — 11th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 31.9 million — 3rd highest since 1978

White House / Sonya Hebert / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.8 million — 6th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 8.8% — 10th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 11.0 million — the highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 34.4% — 10th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 32.0 million — 2nd highest since 1978


TechCrunch / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 3.1 million — the highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.7% — 18th highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 10.5 million — 6th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 32.2% — 6th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 32.5 million — the highest since 1978

Difference engine / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.6 million — 16th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 8.6% — 6th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.8 million — 10th highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 32.5% — 7th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 30.1 million — 6th highest since 1978

Krassotkin, Gage Skidmore / Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.4 million — 21st highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 8.5% — 5th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 9.1 million — 22nd highest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 31.7% — 5th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 28.7 million — 8th highest since 1978


Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.5 million — 20th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 8.8% — 8th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 8.5 million — 10th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 30.2% — 3rd lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 28.2 million — 9th highest since 1978

Photo by Clive Brunskill / Getty Images
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 31: Serena Williams of The United States celebrates during the ladies singles second round match against Ashleigh Barty of Ausralia during day five of the 2018 French Open at Roland Garros on May 31, 2018 in Paris, France. (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images)

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.6 million — 15th highest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.4% — 20th lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 8.2 million — 6th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 29.9% — 2nd lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 27.5 million — 10th highest since 1978


United States House of Representatives or Office of the Speaker of the House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 2.4 million — 19th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 9.6% — 22nd highest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 7.6 million — 3rd lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 31.1% — 4th lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 24.5 million — 18th highest since 1978

Spencer Platt / Staff / Getty Images

> No. of full-time, year-round workers in poverty: 1.6 million — 3rd lowest since 1978
> Pct. of full-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 6.1% — the lowest since 1978
> No. of people in poverty working sometimes: 7.9 million — 5th lowest since 1978
> Pct. of part-time working poor out of all people in poverty: 29.6% — the lowest since 1978
> No. of 16+ people in poverty: 26.8 million — 12th highest since 1978

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