Special Report

The Worst States to Look for a Job

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The U.S. is currently in the midst of a historic labor shortage. Recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that there are approximately 4.3 million more open jobs in the United States than there are job seekers. While the disconnect presents an existential challenge for some businesses, it has also granted workers a new level of bargaining power. 

With employers nationwide struggling to fill open positions, many Americans looking for work can be more selective. Rather than settling for a job out of necessity alone, more people are free to choose a career that better suits their interests, offers higher pay, and comes with more benefits. (These are the best paying jobs in America.)

While conditions are generally favorable for workers nationwide, some states are better than others for Americans seeking work. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 24/7 Wall St. identified the worst states to look for a job. 

States are ranked by an index comprising three components: the share of workers who were laid off in November 2021; the November 2021 unemployment rate; and the ratio of unfilled jobs to job seekers, that is, open jobs divided by the number of unemployed state residents. November 2021 data used in the index is from the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey report from the BLS and is the most recent available data. 

Despite the mismatch between demand and supply for labor, there are still companies and organizations across the country that have had to make layoffs. Nearly 1.4 million American workers were laid off in November 2021 alone, and layoff rates that month range from 0.7% of the workforce to 1.9%, depending on the state. 

In addition to layoff rates, some states have less favorable ratios of open jobs to job seekers than others. In California, for example, there are only 1.1 jobs per unemployed resident, while in many other states, such as Georgia, Vermont, and Wisconsin, there are more than three open jobs for every unemployed resident. Of course, high unemployment is also indicative of a less favorable job market for job seekers. This state has the highest unemployment in America. 

Click here to see the worst states to look for a job

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50. Nebraska
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.4% of workforce – 4th highest (10,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 6.0-to-1 (the highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 1.2% (the lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.6% – 19th lowest (72,000 total jobs)


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49. Vermont
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.7% of workforce – 7th lowest (04,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 3.8-to-1 (4th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 1.9% (3rd lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.2% – 11th highest (23,000 total jobs)

DenisTangneyJr / E+ via Getty Images

48. Utah
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.2% of workforce – 14th highest (15,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 5.1-to-1 (2nd highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 1.4% (2nd lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.7% – 23rd lowest (117,000 total jobs)

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47. Montana
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.9% of workforce – 22nd lowest (09,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 4.0-to-1 (3rd highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 1.9% (3rd lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.8% – 4th highest (41,000 total jobs)


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46. South Dakota
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.7% of workforce – 7th lowest (05,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 3.1-to-1 (12th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 2.1% (8th lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.6% – 19th lowest (31,000 total jobs)

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45. North Dakota
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.7% of workforce – 7th lowest (06,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 3.1-to-1 (11th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 2.5% (15th lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.9% – 20th highest (31,000 total jobs)


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44. Wisconsin
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.0% of workforce – 23rd highest (19,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 3.6-to-1 (6th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 1.9% (3rd lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.7% – 23rd lowest (209,000 total jobs)

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43. Georgia
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.9% of workforce – 22nd lowest (54,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 3.4-to-1 (8th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 2.2% (11th lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.6% – 5th highest (379,000 total jobs)

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42. Indiana
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.0% of workforce – 23rd highest (22,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 3.4-to-1 (7th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 2.1% (8th lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.2% – 11th highest (240,000 total jobs)


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41. New Hampshire
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.1% of workforce – 19th highest (11,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 3.7-to-1 (5th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 2.1% (8th lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.9% – 3rd highest (57,000 total jobs)

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40. Arkansas
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.9% of workforce – 22nd lowest (12,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 2.9-to-1 (14th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 2.2% (11th lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.2% – 6th lowest (85,000 total jobs)


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39. Minnesota
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.9% of workforce – 22nd lowest (24,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 2.8-to-1 (15th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 2.2% (11th lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.1% – 4th lowest (189,000 total jobs)

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38. Idaho
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.2% of workforce – 14th highest (10,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 3.3-to-1 (9th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 1.9% (3rd lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.0% – 18th highest (59,000 total jobs)

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37. Kansas
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.9% of workforce – 22nd lowest (13,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 2.5-to-1 (19th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 2.6% (16th lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.4% – 9th lowest (95,000 total jobs)


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36. Oklahoma
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.3% of workforce – 9th highest (16,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 3.2-to-1 (10th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 1.9% (3rd lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.5% – 12th lowest (114,000 total jobs)

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35. South Carolina
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.8% of workforce – 12th lowest (19,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 2.4-to-1 (21st highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 3.0% (21st lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.3% – 9th highest (170,000 total jobs)


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34. Missouri
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.1% of workforce – 19th highest (19,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 2.8-to-1 (16th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 2.6% (16th lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.2% – 11th highest (221,000 total jobs)

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33. Arizona
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.7% of workforce – 7th lowest (26,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.9-to-1 (23rd lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 3.2% (25th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.8% – 23rd highest (220,000 total jobs)

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32. Tennessee
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.9% of workforce – 22nd lowest (25,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 2.3-to-1 (22nd highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 3.1% (25th lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.9% – 20th highest (232,000 total jobs)


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31. West Virginia
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.2% of workforce – 14th highest (05,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 2.7-to-1 (17th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 2.6% (16th lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.4% – 7th highest (55,000 total jobs)

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30. Alabama
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.0% of workforce – 23rd highest (23,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 2.2-to-1 (25th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 3.0% (21st lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.6% – 19th lowest (146,000 total jobs)


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29. Iowa
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.2% of workforce – 14th highest (22,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 2.4-to-1 (20th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 2.6% (16th lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.3% – 7th lowest (104,000 total jobs)

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28. Virginia
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.3% of workforce – 9th highest (29,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 2.6-to-1 (18th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 2.7% (20th lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.0% – 18th highest (301,000 total jobs)

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27. Washington
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.8% of workforce – 12th lowest (24,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.6-to-1 (17th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 3.6% (21st highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.0% – 2nd lowest (221,000 total jobs)


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26. Louisiana
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.7% of workforce – 7th lowest (21,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.6-to-1 (16th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 4.1% (18th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.6% – 19th lowest (131,000 total jobs)

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25. Oregon
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.0% of workforce – 23rd highest (27,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.8-to-1 (22nd lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 3.4% (24th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.7% – 23rd lowest (137,000 total jobs)


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24. Florida
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.9% of workforce – 22nd lowest (95,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.6-to-1 (18th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 3.6% (21st highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.6% – 19th lowest (631,000 total jobs)

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23. Pennsylvania
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.7% of workforce – 7th lowest (70,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.5-to-1 (11th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 4.3% (15th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.5% – 12th lowest (400,000 total jobs)

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22. North Carolina
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.1% of workforce – 19th highest (42,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 2.0-to-1 (24th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 3.4% (24th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.9% – 20th highest (338,000 total jobs)


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21. Rhode Island
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.9% of workforce – 22nd lowest (06,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.6-to-1 (19th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 4.1% (18th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.3% – 9th highest (38,000 total jobs)

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20. Maine
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.8% of workforce – 12th lowest (08,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.5-to-1 (15th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 4.4% (14th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.8% – 23rd highest (45,000 total jobs)


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19. Colorado
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.8% of workforce – 12th lowest (37,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.5-to-1 (12th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 4.4% (14th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.1% – 16th highest (212,000 total jobs)

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18. Mississippi
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.4% of workforce – 4th highest (11,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 2.2-to-1 (24th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 3.0% (21st lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.6% – 19th lowest (81,000 total jobs)

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17. Wyoming
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.8% of workforce – 2nd highest (05,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 3.0-to-1 (13th highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 2.4% (14th lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.1% – 16th highest (21,000 total jobs)


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16. Ohio
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.4% of workforce – 4th highest (50,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 2.1-to-1 (25th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 3.4% (24th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.2% – 11th highest (420,000 total jobs)

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15. Alaska
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.7% of workforce – 7th lowest (04,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.5-to-1 (14th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 5.5% (2nd highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 8.8% – the highest (30,000 total jobs)


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14. Michigan
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.2% of workforce – 14th highest (40,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.7-to-1 (20th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 4.2% (16th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.2% – 11th highest (330,000 total jobs)

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13. Nevada
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.8% of workforce – 12th lowest (18,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.3-to-1 (6th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 5.4% (5th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.4% – 7th highest (109,000 total jobs)

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12. Hawaii
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.9% of workforce – 22nd lowest (06,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.5-to-1 (13th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 5.4% (5th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 8.3% – 2nd highest (52,000 total jobs)


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11. New York
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 0.9% of workforce – 22nd lowest (71,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.2-to-1 (3rd lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 5.5% (2nd highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.6% – 19th lowest (636,000 total jobs)

DenisTangneyJr / iStock via Getty Images

10. New Jersey
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.0% of workforce – 23rd highest (47,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.3-to-1 (4th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 5.2% (7th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.7% – 23rd lowest (290,000 total jobs)


DenisTangneyJr / iStock via Getty Images

9. Delaware
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.4% of workforce – 4th highest (04,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.4-to-1 (10th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 4.0% (19th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 5.8% – the lowest (28,000 total jobs)

Sean Pavone / iStock via Getty Images

8. New Mexico
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.0% of workforce – 23rd highest (10,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.2-to-1 (2nd lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 5.3% (6th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.8% – 23rd highest (60,000 total jobs)

Sean Pavone / iStock via Getty Images

7. Kentucky
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.9% of workforce – the highest (18,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 2.2-to-1 (23rd highest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 3.0% (21st lowest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.8% – 23rd highest (137,000 total jobs)


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6. Texas
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.3% of workforce – 9th highest (111,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.4-to-1 (8th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 4.5% (12th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.4% – 9th lowest (884,000 total jobs)

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5. Illinois
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.3% of workforce – 9th highest (48,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.3-to-1 (7th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 4.5% (12th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.1% – 4th lowest (379,000 total jobs)


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4. Maryland
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.3% of workforce – 9th highest (28,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.4-to-1 (9th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 4.6% (10th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.8% – 23rd highest (198,000 total jobs)

HelleNiko / iStock via Getty Images

3. Massachusetts
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.4% of workforce – 4th highest (30,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.7-to-1 (21st lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 4.6% (10th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 7.5% – 6th highest (290,000 total jobs)

DutcherAerials / E+ via Getty Images

2. California
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.1% of workforce – 19th highest (115,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.1-to-1 (the lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 5.4% (5th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.2% – 6th lowest (1,118,000 total jobs)


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1. Connecticut
> Layoffs in Nov. 2021: 1.7% of workforce – 3rd highest (22,000 total layoffs)
> Open-jobs to job-seeker ratio: 1.3-to-1 (5th lowest)
> Nov. 2021 unemployment 4.8% (8th highest)
> Share of jobs that are unfilled: 6.5% – 12th lowest (112,000 total jobs)

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