STD Articles

The short interest data is out from the June 29 settlement date.  It seems that there were some big changes with some key cult stocks and actively traded stocks seeing big changes over the June 15...
Egan-Jones Ratings is just the latest ratings agency to hit the PIIGS today.  The ratings agency lowered the Kingdom of Spain’s ratings down to “CCC+” from “B.”  What is perhaps more...
Jon OggThe short interest data is out using the May 31 settlement date.  As the market dropped so much in May, it is an interesting look to see what short sellers did in the active cult and widely...
When this weekend’s announcement came out of a $125 billion bailout for Spain to prop up its troubled banks, most would have just assumed that this meant the ‘risk-on’ trade was due for...
Fitch Ratings has had many reports today, but perhaps the largest call is a downgrade of Spain to “BBB” that has added some pressure to the Euro. Today’s downgrade took Spain’s Long-term...
Reports of what appears to be am effective government takeover of Bankia in Spain, ongoing debt and capital concerns of the banks, and borrowing costs approaching 7% are all culminating with the...
So much for any great help from the ECB, France, Germany, and any other entity being able to help the Euro stay together.  Rumors have been out that nations have been instructed to make contingency...
It is never a good thing to see a run on the banks.  That is what the fears were recently indicating in Greece.  The problem is that Spain is a much larger problem due to excessive lending and the...
nationsonline.orgOne of the proposals to salvage the financial fortunes of Europe’s weakest nations is to fund their largest banks. The theory goes that each of these nations has a troubled bank...
The European Central Bank is said to be freezing assets or considering freezing assets or halting monetary policy operations to some banks in Greece as the Greeks consider an exit of the Euro and as...
The Europeans need to make a decision soon.  It is time to deal with Greece, then the markets can decide how they will deal with the Greek banking system.  The baby-sitting and reality TV watching...
Jon OggThe short interest data is out using the April 30 settlement date.  We have seen some drastic changes from the April 13 settlement date in many issues, followed by some surprises where the...
The financial sector was the best performing index out of the S&P 500 during the first quarter.  That was when investors were decoupling from the woes of Europe.  With European bank shares...
nationsonline.orgThe U.S. stock markets have by and large been decoupled from the woes of Europe most of this year, as well as the slowing of growth in the key markets of China, India, and in many...
Jon OggThis last week had many top analyst calls, but each week we review all of the calls looking for those which were very bold calls or that go against the grain.  These make up the Top Analyst...