
airlines Articles

United Continental reported better-than-expected profits and revenues after markets closed Tuesday. Higher fuel costs pushed expenses up.
The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has issued an order that certain Rolls-Royce engines on Boeing's 787 Dreamliner need to be inspected for damaged fan blades. The ruling also restricts the...
Delta Air Lines beat analysts' estimates on both the top and bottom line for the first quarter of 2018. Guidance for the second quarter is also solid.
The 28th edition of an annual survey of airline performance was published Monday. Alaska Airlines has maintained its top ranking for a second year running.
Based on passenger reviews received over the past year, TripAdvisor has named Singapore Airlines as the world's best and Southwest Airlines as the best North American airline.
Treasury Secretary Mnuchin comments on the trade friction with China, airline service ratings hit an all-time high, "A Quiet Place" is number one at the box office, and other important headlines.
Late Friday afternoon Boeing announced an order for 47 new 787s from long-time customer American Airlines. It was a victory for Boeing and another -- expected -- defeat from Airbus.
Consumer interest website WalletHub has published its ranking of 9 U.S. airlines. The top-ranked airline is the same as last year, but its score dropped significantly. Is air travel in a race to the...
A look through the Boeing 2017 annual report shows that worries about China's loss of future business could at some point be overblown.
The longer the board of United Continental keeps CEO Oscar Munoz, the more questionable its judgment on behalf of shareholders and employees becomes.
Boeing has reportedly beat out arch-rival Airbus for an American Airlines order for new widebody passenger jets. None of the participants has confirmed the story, but it does have the ring of truth...
After successfully killing a proposed regulation that would have required airlines to disclose all the fees they charge, the industry is now trying to make it even more difficult to find out how much...
Spirit Airlines has finished dead last in the Consumer Reports survey that rated both coach/economy and business/first-class experiences.
With the economy roaring at perhaps the best level in almost 20 years, planes are packed, and the top airlines are making big money.
United Continental has announced a lottery program that will pay performance bonuses to employees based on the luck of the draw. This is sure to be very popular.