alternative energy

alternative energy Articles

The U.K. government this morning revealed its plan to ban the sales of fossil-fuel powered cars in the country by 2040. Two weeks ago the French government unveiled a similar plan.
Short interest in solar stocks continued to decline in the reporting period that ended July 14. But short sellers remained interested in alternative fuel stocks.
GM is extending the shutdown of its Orion, Michigan auto plant where the company builds its Chevrolet Bolt all-electric vehicles and the Chevy Sonic.
US investment in energy efficiency is estimated to account for up to $115 billion of total global investment of $1.7 trillion last year. That's good, but we have to do better.
A US Department of Energy review of the country's electricity grid is due out as early as this week and may not reach the conclusions the Trump administration expected.
The percentage of advanced clean diesel trucks in the U.S. fleet rose to 30% in 2016, saving billions of gallons of fuel and reducing emissions by millions of metric tons according to new research.
Short interest in solar energy stocks tumbled in the two-week reporting period ending June 30. At the same time, short sellers added to their positions in alternative energy and fuel stocks.
Total Chinese electricity generation from renewable sources surpassed US generation last year, while overall renewable generation rose by 14.1% year over year in 2016.
Tesla rolled out its first production Model 3 sedan last Friday, but that achievement was offset this morning that Hong Kong sales fell to zero in April following the government's decision to slash...
June sales of hybrid and electric cars were up year over year and are also up year to date. The Chevy Volt displaced Toyota's Prius Prime as the best-selling plug-in hybrid in June and leads in...
Electric vehicles could account for more than half of all new cars sold by 2040, according to a new report from Bloomberg New Energy Finance, and one-third of the global fleet would be electrified.
Analysts at Loup Ventures estimate the total North American market for electric vehicles to reach 11 million vehicles by 2020. Tesla's Model 3 could give the company a big piece of that action.
With all of the publicity about the launch of the Tesla Model 3, it is easy to forget that Chevy already has started to sell thousands of its Bolt all-electric car.
Bloomberg New Energy Finance on Thursday released its latest long-term forecast for electric vehicle adoption through 2040. The firm reckons that 54% of new cars sold by then will be electric.
Goldman Sachs has been cautious on Tesla for some time. Now the firm has become even more cautious ahead.