Ben Bernanke

Ben Bernanke Articles

Ben Bernanke and the FOMC have decided to keep rates at roughly zero-percent all over again.  The good news here is that we are seeing more hints that the end of QE2, quantitative easing, will not...
The Treasury Department website is dominated by a headline that reads “Tarp Bank Programs Make Money.” The assertion has been challenged by the Congressional Budget Office. The fact that the...
As you might have guessed ahead of time, Ben Bernanke and the FOMC decided to leave the target Fed Funds Rate unchanged at the 0.00% to 0.25% that has been in place for what now feels like the dawn...
The equivalent of PMI in Europe is starting to look like China’s. EuroStat announced that “In January 2011 compared with January 2010, industrial producer prices gained 6.1% in the euro area and...
Ben Bernanke charged that investments from abroad helped cause the credit crisis. “Excess savings”, money credited in emerging nations, sought save haven investments. Among these were...
“Until we see a sustained period of stronger job creation, we cannot consider the recovery to be truly established.” Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, February 9, Before the Committee on the...
“Globally, both growth and trade are unbalanced. Because a strong expansion in the emerging-market economies will ultimately depend on a recovery in the more advanced economies, this pattern of...
Verdict: Good There is no turning back now. The Federal Reserve plans to implement QE2 like it already said it would do two weeks ago. But, Ben Bernanke has proven once again that he will not be...
The Federal Reserve seemed to abandon its independence at the start of the credit crisis. Ben Bernanke and then-Treasury chief Henry Paulson worked arm-in-arm to combat a collapse in the US bank...
Ben Bernanke, the head of the Federal Reserve, made the remarkable move of defending his policies in public. He used the Op Ed section of The Washington Post as his platform. It is a sign of how...
Retirees are struggling right now because investment returns are so low that their pensions and IRAs are not producing enough interest income to meet their expenses.  Stock prices are where they...
Twitter  has, by most estimates, 145 million members, which makes it one of the largest social networks in the world. All major media companies are on Twitter and some have more than one million...
The most recent minutes from the FOMC are out and this shows us a bit more about how quantitative easing may work. The consensus is that monetary stimulus is appropriate if growth becomes too slow. ...
At the Annual Meeting of the Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council, Providence, Rhode Island, Fed chief Ben Bernanke continued to say that the federal deficit is a threat which grows by the day and...
Reuters:   American International Group (NYSE: AIG) is at work on a plan to repay its government aid. Reuters:   The yen hit a new 15-year high. Reuters:   Microsoft’s (NASDAQ: MSFT) new Halo...