consumer spending

consumer spending Articles

While we’ve been eagerly waiting for a rate cut, several sectors have been hit harder than others. Retail sales are very closely watched each month as they are a strong indicator of the economy....
Americans are struggling with inflation. A salary that would have easily afforded a comfortable lifestyle less than a decade ago, is now one that has employees barely scraping by. To compensate for...
Many consumers have short-term memory loss when the economy is thriving. Rather than saving and preparing for a time when it isn’t so great, they make big purchases they can’t afford. Because the...
Big-box retailer Target beat some easy comparisons and missed some tough ones. Investors seem happy with what they hear, though.
Here's a look at how prices compare for a variety consumer products available at both Costco and Target stores.
The recorded music industry just posted an all-time revenue high for the first six months of any year. Paid streaming subscriptions have been driving the industry for the last four years and show no...
Consumer spending has been driving the GDP growth. But that spending may be about to come to a screeching halt.
On July 26, the Federal Reserve increased its benchmark interest rate by a quarter of a point, to a range of 5.25% to 5.5%, making it more expensive to borrow money for everything from business loans...
A recent analysis reveals that more than half of all Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck
It won’t be long before the debate about how brisk holiday sales have been. There are only 26 days left until Christmas.
There are only 40 shopping days until Christmas and, so far, those days do not look good for retailers.
Inflation worries have started to turn into a panic, and many Americans see no way out.
While it is inconceivable that a family could not afford to shop at Walmart regularly, it seems to be the case in at least one state.
Whether or not Americans to shop for the holidays is based on whether they feel rich or poor. This year, inflation has eroded buying power.
Inflation may rise at a faster pace for several reasons. Each represents a separate case.