FDA Articles

Alkermes absolutely tanked early Thursday morning on less than favorable preliminary top-line results from the first two of three Phase 3 efficacy studies for ALKS 5461.
Despite facing setbacks recently, Zafgen pushed ahead and led the bulls early on Wednesday on news of positive results.
24/7 Wall St. has collected four companies big FDA decisions coming up in the first quarter of 2016 and added some color.
Good news for those who suffer from high levels of uric acid and from gout: the FDA has approved a new gout treatment.
Intercept Pharmaceuticals announced that the FDA has extended the PDUFA date for its Priority Review of obeticholic acid in primary biliary cholangitis.
Advaxis has announced that the FDA has lifted the clinical hold on all of its Investigational New Drug (IND) applications for its three product candidates
Pacira Pharmaceuticals announced that it achieved an amicable resolution with the FDA for a lawsuit filed earlier this year that effectively lifts the restriction on its Exparel.
Neothetics Inc. (NASDAQ: NEOT) was absolutely crashed in Tuesday’s session after announcing top-line results from a late stage trial that fell short.
AcelRx intends to pursue an ARX-04 indication for moderate-to-severe pain in a medically supervised setting. However, this might be farther out than investors anticipated.
Arena Pharmaceuticals saw its shares jump in Monday’s session on news of an U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval.
Pharmaceutical companies generally are involved in the lengthy process of getting their drug candidates to market through clinical trials. There is a fair amount of risk to a great amount of risk...
Biotech company Can-Fite announced development of its drug candidate CF102, which is currently in phase 2 trials for liver cancer, will be expanded into treatment for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.
24/7 Wall St. has collected several big FDA decisions coming up in the month of November.
courtesy of McDonald's Corp.Among the efforts McDonald’s (NYSE: MCD) is counting on to turn itself around is its “24 Hour Breakfast”, and a move to lower calorie, lower fat fast food than it...
ThinkstockJanssen Biotech announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Yondelis (trabectedin) for the treatment of patients with unresectable or metastatic liposarcoma (LPS) or...