Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Articles

Fitch Ratings has affirmed the U.S. credit ratings at AAA. Fitch even gave the United States a Stable Outlook.
The Federal Reserve on Thursday released its preliminary report on consumer credit for the month of February 2016. On a seasonally adjusted basis, consumer credit rose 5.75% in the month, up from...
It seems that almost every other day now we are getting word of new opinions by various Federal Reserve officials regarding how many rate hikes there should be for 2016.
Investors should wonder if Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen tipped her hand that the markets might need to brace for a weak or soft payrolls report on Friday.
General Electric wants GE Capital, its financial arm, to be removed from the Federal Reserve's list of systemically important financial institutions, to which it was added in July 2013.
If you ever wanted to know if lower and lower interest rates for longer and longer helps to prop up the value of gold, look no further than Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen's latest speech.
If you were wondering whether low oil and commodity prices hurt manufacturers in Texas, they did. A bounce in energy prices may have helped to turn things around, though.
The Federal Reserve might be hoping for inflation of 2%, but equity investors have generally been hoping for 2.5% or more growth in gross domestic product in the United States.
It has taken about three months for the Dow to get back to positive. The push was in fact made by the Dogs of the Dow, but it was stalled for some time by many of the financial companies in the index.
By now it’s an accepted fact that millennials have so much student loan debt that they can’t and don’t want to borrow more. Unlike most accepted facts, this appears pretty much to be true. What...
Now the so-called Philly Fed is showing that non-manufacturing business activity rose in March as well.
the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond issued its Fifth District Survey of Manufacturing Activity report, showing a stellar gain for March.
Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart discussed the Federal Open Market Committee's recent policy decision and his outlook for 2016, but he sounded a bit more hawkish.
Monday's economic report schedule was led by the Chicago Fed National Activity Index, which showed that economic growth slowed in February.
In January and February the recession risks for the United States were picking up. Now it looks as though the biggest risks for the U.S. falling back into recession in 2016 have all but vanished.