Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Articles

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia has released its regional report on manufacturing conditions in February.
Most economic reports have been soft, but January readings on industrial production and capacity utilization actually look better than expected.
The New York Federal Reserve has released its Empire Manufacturing Survey for the month of February.
The Currency in Circulation report shows how much real money is actually out in the economy.
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen is set to offer testimony in front of the Committee on Financial Services of the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City is not one of the more widely followed regional Fed branches, but it does offer a view of the agricultural and energy sectors that so many people are...
Janet Yellen and The Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee have done just what the markets formal expected – nothing! The Fed Funds rate was left flat at a target of 0.25% to 0.50% and...
It seems very unrealistic, or like too much of a risk, that Fed Chair Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve presidents would vote to raise interest rates now.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond has issued its Fifth District Survey of Manufacturing Activity. The report signals that growth was mild in January.
The General Activity Index of the Dallas Fed Manufacturing Survey fell much more than expected for the month of January.
Tuesday will mark the first day of the two-day Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting held at the Federal Reserve. This year started out with most Fed presidents continuing to talk about rate...
Last week, the Chicago Fed Survey of Business Conditions showed slower growth, and now it is the Chicago Fed National Activity Index indicating that economic growth was below average in December.
It is hardly controversial to suggest that we are closer to the next recession than we are to the last, but are we closer than we think?
Friday's industrial production report was from the Federal Reserve indicated that production fell in December.
Atlanta Federal Reserve President and CEO Dennis Lockhart was speaking on Monday to the Rotary Club of Atlanta. In his speech, he discussed his current reading of the national economy, and he also...