Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Articles

ThinkstockConsumer credit rose by $13.8 billion in the month of June, but it is not exactly debt going on credit cards. The Federal Reserve showed that revolving credit, credit used on cards and the...
Jon OggThe stock market and bond market are trying and trying to figure out how to price in the eventual tapering effects of quantitative easing. Ultimately, these markets will both have to price in...
courtesy U.S. Federal ReserveThe Federal Reserve statement from the July FOMC meeting has been released. Ben Bernanke and the team inside the Fed are looking for the economy to continue improving,...
ThinkstockEasy money and near-zero interest rates from the Federal Reserve created a great environment for gold bugs to drive the price of gold higher and higher. Central banks around the world also...
ThinkstockFriday’s key Labor Department report on unemployment and payrolls will be highly watched, and we have two nongovernmental reports that could significantly change those expectations. The...
ThinkstockADP has released its monthly payrolls report ahead of Friday’s key unemployment and private sector payrolls report from the U.S. Labor Department. The news looks good on the surface, as...
ThinkstockOn a week that includes a Federal Reserve FOMC meeting, it is fair to ask if reports such as the Conference Board’s report on consumer confidence are relevant. At issue are not the data...
Jon OggWith all of the talk about quantitative easing and interest rates and even a coming replacement for Ben Bernanke at the Federal Reserve, very little discussion has been given to a methodology...
Jon OggThe days of Ben Bernanke as the chairman of the Federal Reserve are looking shorter and shorter ahead of his term expiration in 2014. President Obama has said that Bernanke is likely ready to...
ThinkstockEsther George, president of the Kansas City Federal Reserve, is the most vocal voting member of the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). At each FOMC meeting, she is...
courtesy of Apple Inc.Apple Inc.’s (NASDAQ: AAPL) developers site was taken down by another in a long series of hacks of corporate and government websites. If any company ought to have the...
ThinkstockWith an improving economy, an unexpected but welcome increase in tax revenue and federal spending down, largely because of budget battles, the U.S. financial situation has improved, not by...
ThinkstockFollowing last month’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, the euro-U.S. dollar exchange rate (EURUSD) fell to just over 80. Less than a month later the EURUSD came within a...
ThinkstockThe U.S. economy continued to increase at a “modest to moderate pace” according to today’s release of the Federal Reserve’s latest Beige Book. Employment, one of the key drivers of...
courtesy U.S. Federal ReserveFederal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is testifying in his semiannual report to the Congress on Wednesday. The stock, bond, commodity and currency markets are trying to...