fiscal cliff

fiscal cliff Articles

thinkstockWith a down to the wire timing that has become a tradition in Washington D.C., the House and the Senate approved what is being called the The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. While...
Any tax legislation worth the name carries with it a host of hangers on that represent special gifts to special interests. The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 is no different. Here is a rundown...
Frank Golhen, via Wikimedia CommonsThe U.S. markets are open today, December 26, 2012. This likely will be another very low volume day as European markets are closed. The lack of resolution to the...
ThinkstockIn its latest review of sovereign debt, Fitch Ratings warns that continuing weakness in the developed economies and the threat that the U.S. will tumble over the fiscal cliff are having a...
ThinkstockThe Business Roundtable has released its last CEO Outlook of 2012, which is really a year-end guide for entering into 2013. The long and short of the matter is that CEOs generally expect...
ThinkstockThe top 1% in the United States are about to get much richer because of the number of corporations that have accelerated dividend payments into 2012 so that their investors can avoid what...
ThinkstockHouse Speaker John Boehner held a press conference earlier this morning in which he declared that no progress has been made in budget talks between House Republicans and the Obama...
ThinkstockOne way or another, the fiscal cliff, but not its impact, will be gone in just three weeks. The press will miss it when the cliff cannot be kicked around anymore. The reality of the effects...
America needs to get ready for the politicians to go over the fiscal cliff. That is how things sound as of now at least. It is becoming more and more evident, if not obvious, that both sides are too...
Speaker of the House John Boehner has sent a letter to President Obama suggesting a more balanced $4.6 trillion approach to avert the coming fiscal cliff. The letter goes mostly back to the...
Today’s data from the Institute for Supply Management is showing that the November Manufacturing Report on Business was an utter disappointment. The ISM figure came in at 49.5%, which is under the...
There are two schools of thought regarding the reaction of precious metals to the eventual resolution (or non-resolution) of the current negotiations on the U.S. fiscal cliff. If the two sides can...
thinkstock In yet another effort by the Obama administration to put pressure on Republican Party opponents to negotiate a solution to the coming fiscal cliff, the White House today released a report...
ThinkstockThe latest word out of Europe is that finance ministers and the International Monetary Fund cannot agree about a bailout of Greece. The troubles are as much political as financial, which...
Jon OggFederal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke is speaking at the New York Economic Club today in New York City. While Bernanke is promising to keep rates and policy easy for quite some time, Bernanke...