
Gallup Articles

The latest Gallup quarterly poll of small business owners shows that optimism has dropped to an index reading of 17 in July, down from 23 in April. A reading above zero indicates optimism. The Wells...
The latest Gallup Economic Confidence Index fell from a reading of -22 in June to -26 in July, about equal to the low reading for the year of -27 in January. The index reading had improved to -17 in...
U.S. consumers were spending money in July at about the same rate as last year, and up slightly from June 2012 spending. In a self-reporting poll from Gallup, consumers’ average daily spending in...
The latest Gallup tracking survey on U.S. unemployment puts the unadjusted U.S. unemployment rate at 8.2% in July, up from 8% in June, but down from 8.8% in July of 2011. On a seasonally adjusted...
According to the latest data from Gallup, Americans’ confidence in the economy fell to an index reading of -29 last week, equal to the January level and well below the -16 reading in late May. And...
As part of its annual survey of confidence in US institutions, Gallup reports the Americans’ confidence in TV news hit a new low this year. Just 21% of Americans say they have a great deal or quite...
The June 2012 Gallup Economic Confidence Index indicates that 56% of Americans think the US economy is getting worse and just 38% think it is improving. Only 15% of Americans think the current...
As the largest banks in the United States prepare “living wills” for the government in the event that any of them should become financially nonviable, Americans continue to lose their trust in...
With the possible exception of very modest good news from the housing front, US economic data has simply taken a turn south. And consumer confidence is among the front runners. Today’s report from...
For most Americans, even those with work, the job market has not made any progress in nearly a year. The U.S. economy has added fewer than 150,000 positions in most months over that time. By some...
The jobs report last Friday, which covered unemployment in the United States, showed that the economy only added 69,000 jobs. The number was below almost all expectations and was front page news on...
According to its latest survey, Gallup reports that the unadjusteUS unemployment rate fell from 8.3% in April to 8.2% in mid-May. The research firm’ mid-month survey on unemployment has tracked...
The Dow Jones Industrial Average has reached a four-year high and has started to close in on its highest level ever. The index would only have to rise at its current rate to breach that level before...
The presence of unemployed workers should make people who currently have jobs nervous. As the economy has rebounded, the number of people who have been out of work for more than a half a year has...
A common assumption is that young Americans spend so much time on their smartphones, the Internet and social sites that they have lost traditional access to independently produced information and...