
Gallup Articles

The U.S. economy is getting better, according to Gallup. Gallup’s key U.S. economic indicators tell a consistent story of improving economic and behavioral conditions. Americans’ self-reported...
There are a number of measure of consumer and economic confidence. One comes from the Conference Board, and another from the University of Michigan. Gallup has its own, and the most recent version...
Flickr - Marshall AstorIt is not unusual for research and polls to tell people what they already know. Obesity leads to poor health. People who text while driving are more likely to have accidents...
In 1991, 71% of Americans thought it was more important to protect the environment than to foster economic growth. Only 20% of Americans thought economic growth was more important. In the latest...
Oil prices are more than $100 a barrel for West Texas Intermediate. Gasoline is approaching $4 a gallon. But Americans worry more about the economy than they do the price of energy, though it would...
With unemployment falling, and most gauges of consumer confidence having ticked up recently, it is not unusual that the Gallup economic confidence level would reach a four year high. This runs back...
Gallup is out with a new survey today indicating that 42% of Americans consider the “energy situation” to be “very serious.” Presumably the “situation” is whether or not there’s enough,...
Since it began tracking US economic confidence in 2008, Gallup has never gotten a net positive result. A reading above zero indicates that Americans are gaining confidence in the country’s economic...
Gallup’s unadjusted US unemployment rate for mid-March fell from 9.1% in mid-February to 8.6%. The official seasonally adjusted US unemployment rate for February is 8.3%. The Gallup survey also...
Americans came to believe two things about jobs as the recession stretched on. The first is that paid work is precious and it is unwise to press for raises when companies are watching costs. This,...
Americans are more satisfied with their lives than they have been since last summer, a new Gallup poll shows. The news is not all good. Satisfaction rates are still low compared to historic numbers....
American’s confidence in the economy matched a four year high last week, according to Gallup. The data affirms other recent data on consumer confidence. Retail activity has also been strong....
24/7 Wall St. StaffAmericans are not any happier than they were last year. In fact, they are slightly more miserable. At least, that’s what the recent Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index shows. The...