
Gallup Articles

President Obama’s approval rating on his handling of the economy has hit an all-time low. It is likely it would not matter who was president when it comes to how this near-recession is viewed....
Most American believe two things about the economy: One is that the recession never ended; The other is that the problem with the deficit will add to the country’s economic woes. A new Gallup poll...
Americans have begun to lose confidence in the economy again. Gallup data shows the figure is back to the level of March 2009 — three months before the last recession ended. The federal government...
Members of the press nearly always place themselves above politicians, military officers, and even evangelists in their own minds. It is an odd decision, although it is at the core of how the news...
Americans think that all members of Congress are carpetbaggers. At least that is what a new Gallup poll indicates. Citizens think better of the military than any other group in society. If there is a...
It may be hard to find a job when jobs are so hard to find. A new Gallup poll reports that “Americans’ assessments of the job market have soured in June after showing modest improvement in the...
Every American should be able to retire with money in the bank, and an IRA with hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in it, or instead a large corporate or government-supported pension. That...
                        Gas prices, home prices, clothing prices, and unemployment have finally reached the point at which they have destroyed consumer confidence. Some economists believe...
                                  Do not tell Americans that they should worry about the deficit or the battle over the debt ceiling. Their concerns are much closer to home. They...
It has been generally assumed that many Americans would like to retire at the traditional age of 65. They will only work longer because the credit crisis and housing market collapse have robbed them...
Americans have several options to fight high gas prices. They can stay at home, use public transportation, join car pools, shop online, or buy new fuel-efficient vehicles. Auto manufacturers have...
Gasoline prices have begun to retreat in the US. The latest AAA Fuel Gauge numbers put the average price of regular at $3.886, which means that the cost of a gallon has begun to fall for the first...
It seemed for a while that some experts believed that gasoline prices would not affect consumer behavior much. Statistics showed that people would still take summer trips. Car pools and public...
Americans’ optimism about an economic recovery, which was already very fragile, has turned downward. A new Gallup poll says that “Three in four Americans name some type of economic issue as the...
When historians look back on the recent recession, the growth of the American deficit, and the debate to control the national debt, they will be awed that voters blamed Congress and the...