
Gallup Articles

Americans widely mistrust mass media, primarily due to partisanship and a lack of accuracy, according to new research. So what is the future of the media in America?
The economic confidence of Americans has hit the lowest level since the federal government shutdown ended in January. Some of the decline has to do with worries about a recession.
Mass shootings in the United States seem to happen nearly weekly. People have become so worried that almost half of Americans believe they will be victims.
Beer remains the American favorite adult beverage. For years, it was followed by wine, while liquor trailed far behind. That changed sharply in the past year.
In many states, people under 21 years old can buy tobacco products. Most Americans don't approve of this and want the age barrier to be above 21. This could drive legislation to increase the age...
New research from Gallup shows that around the world, people have not been sadder or worried more in over a decade.
A new survey shows that less than half of Americans believe their tax burden is too high, the lowest level since 1956.
Health care costs in the United States are generally measured as the highest in the world. Last year, many Americans could not afford their health care costs.
The effects of the #MeToo movement and other actions to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace have started to fade rapidly among men with a sharp drop in those who consider it a “major...
In the fourth quarter of last year, the number of uninsured Americans reached the highest rate since 2014, according to a new research study by Gallup.
ThinkstockIt will be a good holiday for many retailers. The “mood” of American shoppers is excellent as the holiday season approaches, according to data from Gallup. The report does not point out...
Half of Americans who do not currently own a home expect to purchase one in the next five years. Continually rising prices may hamper those plans, however.
Few habits affect overall well-being more than a healthy diet, and the probability of eating well largely depends on one’s place of residence. The “2016 Community Rankings for Healthy Eating”...
Gallup has a novel concept: employees who are more engaged (which is not entirely well defined) at the workplace help companies create higher profits.
Americans were more upbeat over the economy a year ago, but, as Gallup points out, the recent scores are not as low as the numbers recorded between 2008 and the fall of 2012.