GDP Articles

Moody's now sees increased risks to the global growth story for the 2016 to 2017.
The United States has experienced 71 straight months of private sector job growth through January. This consistent improvement, stretching back to February 2009, has been a boon for existing...
Friday's big report was the Bureau of Economic Analysis release of gross domestic product (GDP) for the fourth quarter of 2015. This initial reading was softer than expected.
No country is free of corruption. It is a severe problem in more than two-thirds of countries globally, some of which are major global economic powers, according to Transparency International’s...
The Congressional Budget Office has released a portion of its 2016 to 2026 outlook, and the end result is that the federal budget deficit will increase in relation to the size of the economy in 2016.
Get ready for even slower global growth than you previously expected. That is the message from the International Monetary Fund.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has cut its forecasts for global gross domestic product improvement for this year and the next.
U.S. workers can expect a 3% pay raise, at least according to the Hay Group 2016 Global Salary Forecast. American workers will do slightly better than those around the world.
Economists and business owners alike have grown used to the notion that durable goods can be among the most volatile of all monthly economic readings.
Gross domestic product was in line with estimates in the Bureau of Economic Analysis's final look at the third quarter.
The development of a nation is often conflated with economic growth. However, while economic strength is certainly a country’s means of development, is it what ultimately determines how developed...
The development of a nation is often conflated with economic growth. However, while economic strength is certainly a country’s means of development, is it what ultimately determines how developed...
Beijing has issued another warning that severe air pollution has hit a level at which industrial production may be cut and that will cause people to remain in their homes.
The American middle class has lost its position as the financial majority, and its prospects are dropping quickly.
Each report on Durable Goods feels like a bit of a wild card. After all, things like cars and planes and a whole host of other big-ticket capital goods are very volatile during good times and hard...