GDP Articles

The International Monetary Fund on Thursday cut its 2015 global GDP growth forecast from an April estimate of 3.5% to a new level of 3.3%.
According to global economic research firm Markit, Greece can add to its debt problems the fact that its factory activity is contracting sharply.
Lost in the battle over Greek debt and austerity is the fact that unemployment among people under 25 remains over 50%.
thinkstock.comThe U.S. economy grew 2.2% in 2014, largely on gains in the professional, scientific and technical services sector. Last year’s growth was up from a 1.9% GDP growth rate in 2013....
The higher the second-quarter GDP comes in, the more likely we are to see calls for the Federal Reserve to begin hiking interest rates sooner than expected.
Durable goods proved not to be all that durable for the U.S. economy in the month of May.
This Merrill Lynch analysts says there is no bear market dead ahead, but that faith in the overall U.S. recovery is beginning to crack.
In another sign that the largest engines of the world's economy have faltered, the OECD has slashed its forecast for global GDP for this year and for 2016.
The media are throwing around different theories about where gold is heading next. Many catalysts are tugging on each other and could move gold in either direction over the next month.
Concern about the future of the German economy were posted in the latest version of economic sentiment, another wound to hope of a large recovery that would lift global GDP to high and sustainable...
A new Wall Street Journal poll of prominent economists revised their collective GDP growth estimate for the year downward.
While the euro area and several countries did well in the first quarter, Greece moved back into a recession, highlighting how difficult it will be for the nation to pay off its debts.
Friday's durable goods report from the U.S. Commerce Department likely will be the last big-ticket economic report that shapes next week's gross domestic product (GDP) report.
The Federal Reserve's industrial production numbers for March are weak enough that they may act as a drag on GDP forecasts for the first quarter.
The United States is forecast to remain the world's largest economy in 2030, but China will close the gap between first and second place.