GDP Articles

The International Monetary Fund has issued a report that forecasts low worldwide economic growth for several years ahead.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta has reported that its forecast for U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) growth dropped to zero on April 1.
Manufacturing ISM Report on Business for the month of March was above the breakeven level, but it was shy of the Bloomberg consensus estimate.
The National Association for Business Economics forecasts an improvement in the U.S. economy this year and another economic slowdown next year.
The U.S. Commerce Department has released its reading for durable goods in the month of February.
Air pollution in China's largest cities has contributed to widespread health problems and may restrict both manufacturing and the growth of a car industry.
The U.S. Commerce Department has released the preliminary reading for real gross domestic product (GDP) growth in the fourth quarter of 2014.
The U.S. Commerce Department has released its durable goods reading for the month of January, and the headline number blew out expectations.
A drop in crude prices will not help global growth, because too much of the world's economy is deeply wounded and will be for two years or more.
Unemployment may tick down to 5.5% for January, but that remains far from the less than 5% number that signals a full recovery.
What does a massive round of quantitative easing in Europe, an environment of deflationary pressures and a testing of negative interest rates tell you?
The European Commission has gone out on a limb with its forecasts for improvement of gross domestic product for the euro area in 2015 and 2016.
Eurozone PMI in January was better than forecast and better than the preliminary flash figure , offering a glimmer of hope that the economies of Europe may not be rushing into recession.
China continues to insist that its economy will grow at a rate of 7% or better, even though its PMI contracted in January.
Though the preliminary fourth-quarter GDP reading is lower than in the third and second quarter, it is rather solid given the state of the rest of the world.