oil prices

oil prices Articles

The proposed 1,700-mile Keystone XL pipeline will not make the US more energy independent nor will it lower gasoline prices. If anything, the pipeline from western Canada’s oil sands to the US Gulf...
The first of the big oil field services to report quarterly earnings is also the largest: Schlumberger Ltd. For the full fiscal year, the company reported revenue of $39.54 billion and diluted,...
At a meeting in mid-December, members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) agreed on a new production level of 30 million barrels/day. The 12-member cartel has already exceeded...
Brent crude prices will average over $110 a barrel in 2011. Reuters reports that will beat the 2008 record of approximately $100. It is difficult to say how to take the news. The causes of high oil...
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries probably intends to hold production among its members at current levels. That is good news for oil importing nations and consumers and...
Crude oil prices are rising sharply today following reports that Iran is preparing for naval maneuvers near the Strait of Hormuz, the 34-mile wide chokepoint leading to the Persian Gulf. WTI crude is...
In 2010, US refineries took delivery of about 5.4 billion barrels of crude oil. Of that total, more than 50%, 2.8 billion barrels, arrived at the refineries by pipeline. The US petroleum pipeline...
Following last year’s disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, oil drillers and field services companies watched their shares fall more than -20% in most cases as prospects for exploration and production...
Responsibility is going to get spread around for the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon that killed 11 people and poured millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico last year. The US...
Crude oil prices rose about 3% yesterday primarily on the news that the France and Germany would do something to shore up their banks. Equities also rose by about the same amount, with the S&P...