Personal Finance

Personal Finance Articles

Across the country Americans are battling with every sort of vermin. Here are the 10 U.S. cities where residents report the worst infestations.
Cybercriminals are gearing up for a potentially lucrative tax season after scoring more than $2 billion from the IRS in 2016.
Friday will see the first meeting of President Trump's business advisory council. While we can't be sure what the president will want to talk about, there are certainly plenty of issues on the table.
If it seems to you that your email box is filling up with more spam recently, you're right. Not only is there more spam, but more of the stuff is malicious.
Americans were more satisfied with government services in 2016 than at any time since 2012.
Repealing Obamacare could cost up to 1.2 million U.S. jobs, and that is not a price that opponents are willing to pay yet.
Could rising mortgage rates and changes to FHA insurance premiums slow growth in the 10 US cities that are gentrifying fastest?
Researchers at the website commissioned a survey of 3,700 American insurance customers and ranked the companies.
About a third of millennials have never had or once had but now don't have a corded connection to a TV or cable network. They represent nearly half of all Americans who have no corded connection.
Because most of us have plenty of other things to think about and remember, our passwords are often almost ludicrously simple, like "password" or "1234" or … you get the idea.
As existing home inventory shrinks, prices rise as competition for the available homes increases and that shuts out many first-time home buyers.
For the week ended Friday, January 20, 2017, the wholesale spot price index for a pound of cannabis increased to $1,595. One gram averaged $3.95 last week.
A record 1,093 data breaches involving 36.6 million records were reported in 2016, a jump of 40% compared with the 2015 total of 780 breaches.
Delta Air Lines and Hawaiian Airlines have the best frequent flyer programs; Spirit and Frontier the worst, according to WalletHub.
A product advertised as "FDA-approved" may or may not have been approved by the agency, and, as in almost all marketplace decisions, it's buyer beware of these claims.