
Politics Articles

New building efficiency programs, more investment in nuclear energy and grid modernization are all included in the new American Energy Innovation Act. It is good enough?
Oil and gas companies' contributions to members of Congress and congressional candidates have more than doubled since 2010. Are the companies getting their money's worth? Yes, and new research shows...
If the Democratic primaries result in a brokered convention, could the retiring Disney CEO end up as the nominee?
Democratic members of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee have sought answers about what plans the Trump administration has for lifting conservatorship of Fannie Mae.
Chinese electric car maker Nio has signed a framework deal with the municipal government of Hefei, the city where the company has the bulk of its operations. The deal offers a cash lifeline for Nio...
The United States sank to its lowest score of the past eight years on a corruption index scale published by Transparency International.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi views Facebook as a platform for disinformation and yesterday called it a "shameful" company.
The U.S. rocket attack that killed a top Iranian leader sent oil prices sharply higher. How big the eventual rise will be and how long higher prices will endure are reasonable questions.
Tourism is a significant part of Australia's national economy, and while the government does not want travelers to cancel their plans, officials are also trying to be realistic.
While the stock market is poised for a bad end to the week, both gold and oil are skyrocketing higher on the global tension.
Former President Barack Obama and current president Donald Trump were picked by the most Americans as the "person they admired most" in 2019, according to Gallup.
People who put the search term "Bloomberg" into Google will find an ad above the listings for the Bloomberg presidential campaign.
The budget bill approved by Congress and signed last week by the president includes some items clean energy advocates wanted, along with others that are likely to make matters worse.
About three-quarters of the Fortune 500 companies made a profit in 2018. Among those profitable companies, 91 paid no taxes at all and another 56 paid less than 5%. The statutory rate for corporate...
The premium for buying a condo in a building with the Trump name on it has fallen by nearly 30%.