
Politics Articles

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) is seeking sanctions after a lawyer for Samsung Electronics publicly released evidence a judge had excluded from the trial in which Apple alleges that the Korean...
The war of wills between ECB chief Mario Draghi and Germany’s Bundesbank continues, as the chance that the European Central Bank will have a free hand in buying sovereign debt of weak nations in...
Mitt Romney, or more accurately several economists who do some of his thinking, say that he can add 12 million jobs to the economy in the four years after he is elected. CNN Money summarized the...
Yesterday U.S. House and Senate leaders agreed on a plan to fund federal government operations following the close of the 2012 fiscal year on September 30. Today, the U.S. Treasury Department said...
The U.S. Postal System probably will default on about $5 billion owed to the Treasury as soon as this week. There are actually two payments, one of $5.5 billion due now and another in September for...
Economists and the press already have voiced plenty of criticism about new predictions from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). In its FY2013 Mid-Session Review, the agency forecast...
The White House is increasing its outlook for the U.S. economy.  We will leave this up to you to decide whether or not it is a ploy. Despite only a 1.5% GDP gain for the second quarter, the OMB’s...
The US Federal Reserve’s summary of current economic conditions in the 12 Fed districts — commonly called the ‘Beige Book’ — was released this afternoon. The report is based on data through...
Monday, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) reported a 1% return on investments for the 12 months that ended June 30. Its assets totaled more than $233 billion at the end...
A US Navy supply ship fired on a small boat of the cost of Dubai after the boat failed to respond to warnings and continued its rapid approach toward the Navy ship. The New York Times reports that...
In one of the periodic updates to its 2012 World Economic Outlook, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said today that global economic growth in 2013 will decline from a previous estimate of 4.1%...
In a speech today in Mississippi, Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart reviewed the state of the nation’s recovery from the financial meltdown of 2008-2009, telling his audience that the...
The lower house of Russia’s parliament has approved the country’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in a process that began nearly 20 years ago. The bill still requires the approval...
One major question that will accompany the June jobs report is how long President Obama can hold a competitive place in national polls about who will win the presidency in November. There is no...
Today’s report on consumer sentiment from the Reuters/University of Michigan survey was not what economists, or anyone else for that matter, were looking for. We were no exception. The chief...