
Politics Articles

Three hours after a dismal jobs report the shuttle Atlantis made the last of 135 flights by the American fleet of orbiters, which extends back to 1981. Atlantis took with it 23,000 lost jobs in the...
Is California’s debt rating safe?  Or is in the same boat as Greece?  That depends upon whom you ask.  Meredith Whitney would probably say it is not safe.  Standard & Poor’s, however, is...
Healthcare funds are doing very well right now, but what if these funds are winning because of unnecessary procedures being rampant in the medical system?  Today’s news carries reports of a new...
In the early morning hours Saturday, July 2nd, a 12-inch crude oil pipeline owned and operated by Exxon Mobil Corp. (NYSE: XOM) ruptured, spilling an estimated 1,000 barrels (42,000 gallons) of crude...
The media coverage of Tim Geithner’s future is split. Some news outlets say he will leave after the debt cap debate is resolved — hopefully by August 2. Others claim he has decided to remain at...
It is easy to believe that every city, county and state government in the country is deeply in debt and in need of higher taxes and budget cuts. This even extends to the federal government, which is...
Rep.Kevin Brady (R-TX), another representative who likes to grin in front of TV cameras as if he has all the answers to America’s financial problems, is the the Vice Chairman of  The U.S....
The US government and Greece each need money, though direct comparisons made between the southern European nation and America are wrong. The US can afford to run a deficit for years, and spend...
The US Senate, by a 73-27 margin, has approved an amendment to an economic development bill that would end the $0.45/gallon ethanol credit and the $0.54/gallon tariff on imported ethanol. A similar...
The drumbeat of negative economic news has continued at an alarming rate. For residents of some regions in the U.S., the noise is even louder. These are the areas where the already tottering recovery...
If you have been following the crisis news regarding the PIIGS, or the PIGS, nations, Ireland seems to currently be overlooked due to the immediacy of the Greek woes.  The problem is that the Irish...
The Ivy League MBAs who go to work at consulting firm McKinsey & C0. may not have to worry about employment, but a new study by the firm shows that nearly everyone else should. The McKinsey...
Three Congressmen, Reps. Darrell Issa of California, Dennis Ross of Florida and Jason Chaffetz of Utah are proposing to cut the federal workforce by 10% before 2015. There plan is simple . The Office...
Moody’s must love being in the headlines of controversy this week.  First Greece, then U.S. banks, and now Uncle Sam… Moody’s has warned in a fresh report that if no progress is made on the...
When it comes to education, money does not always equal success. An in-depth analysis by 24/7 Wall St.  found that states that spend loads of money on education don’t necessarily yield...