
Politics Articles

Remember when Mary Poppins sung that it  “takes a spoon full of sugar to make the medicine go down?”  Well, President Obama’s fiscal commission told the American people nothing could spare...
President Obama’s visit to India was telling for many reasons, especially when he said Washington’s relationship with New Dehli would be a “defining relationship” of the 21st Century.   ...
Perhaps the Republicans, fresh from their victory at the midterm elections, are looking to settle old scores such as how President Bill Clinton bested House Speaker Newt Gingrich in the 1995-1996 ...
Irish banks are not newly in trouble, but fresh pressure is only going to further mount pressure on an already battered sector.  On Sunday, Ireland’s main opposition party reportedly said that it...
“In the latter days of Rome, the economy was crumbling, the emperor … would placate the mob with bread and circus — food and entertainment to placate them since the economy was in shambles and...
Investors may be giddy with delight over last night’s decisive Republican victory in the midterm elections.  But a reality check is in order. Marco Rubio, the new Republican Senator-elect from...
The Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives and some of their lead in the Senate, as was expected. The reasons for the shift were obvious before the election. As has been true...
The Republicans will win the House of Representatives it seems. They may also control the Senate, although that is less likely. The President could face two hostile chambers of Congress. To one...
President Barack Obama is not shy when it comes to using technology.  He has been an ardent user of the BlackBerry smartphone from Research in Motion Ltd. (NASDAQ: RIMM).   Apparently,  he love...
The government of China has made no secret of its intention to become the world’s leading supplier of solar PV panels and a major player in other sectors related to green technology. The...
The US Treasury will offer for sale 1.5 billion shares of Citigroup Inc. (NYSE:C) of the 3.6 billion shares it still holds in the bank. The sale of the common stock will stop on December 31st, even...
The US Environmental Protection Agency has released its expected increase in the ethanol “blend wall” from 10% (E10) to 15% (E15) for light vehicles built in model year 2007 and later. The agency...
If there is a sector under fire after insurance and banking, it is for-profit education.  Shares of the for-profit universities and for-profit continuing education companies have seen their stock...
A new report from the Social Security Office of the Inspector General says that the agency sent nearly 89,000 checks for $250 each to people who were dead or in prison. The payments were part of the...
Republicans today unveiled the economic agenda they will pursue if they take over one or both Houses of Congress, as many expect they will, that was long on dramatics and short on substance. The...