
Politics Articles

President Obama will meet with China's "enemy of the state," the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of Tibet. The Chinese government already has protested the visit.
From The Atlantic Wire By Max Fisher With the U.S. budget deficit to hit $1.6 trillion in the current fiscal year, a post-World War Two record, grim predictions are rolling in. Deficit spending is...
The news media covered all the top line information about the new White House budget. Expenditures will be $3.8 trillion, if the package is approved. The deficit will be $1.6 trillion in fiscal...
The White House is about to present its budget to Congress for the 2010 fiscal that will cause a $1.6 trillion deficit and $3.8 trillion in spending. That would be an all-time record and $200...
Most economists have warned that the budget deficit could cause a need for ongoing huge borrowing by the Treasury and the need for higher taxes to stanch the red ink. Neither alternative is...
Friday marked month-end for January in the financial markets.  There have been many efforts out there to discuss the market’s direction, but perhaps the one issue that traders will be using to...
First it was Iceland, then came the PIIGS… This is of course the acronym for Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain…. although this is really an issue of PIGS front and center without...
The president has decided to propose a $33 billion program to drive new hiring, particularly among America's small businesses. The system would be based on tax credits for every new worker hired. The...
The most popular issue outside of bashing bonuses for politicians has been the notion of getting to bash saving American International Group Inc. (NYSE: AIG).  This will be an interesting week as...
The Congressional Budget Office has released new data for the 2010 budget, and the need for more spending freezes and spending controls is becoming more and more evident by the day (as if you...
The debt ceiling, which is at $12.4 trillion, is near its limits and the Senate will consider whether to add $1.9 trillion to the cap. Dow Jones estimates that the increase will only be good through...
Some members of the Senate have turned against the nomination of Ben Bernanke as the chairman of The Federal Reserve. They feel that he may be to0 closely associated with the actions of the central...
Notorious banking analyst Meredith Whitney turned out to be right in her recent calls against being long the major banks and brokerage firms, although for the wrong reasons ahead of the latest...
The Supreme Court’s decision on the 21st will allow corporations to give more money to support or oppose political candidates. Legal experts say that the move reverses a decision made by the court...
Fannie Mae (NYSE: FNM) and Freddie Mac (NYSE: FRE) may finally be getting some added pay regulation.  After regulators and politicians have gone after Wall Street compensation, House Republicans...