
RealtyTrac Articles

Home sales are strong in cities where unemployment is low and the percentage of income needed to buy a house is lower. Here are 10 U.S. cities that are the most affordable.
There are any number of ways to invest in the U.S. real-estate market other than just buying a house to live in. You could buy a fixer-upper at a rock-bottom price in a good location, put in some...
Housing prices have recovered all the way to 2005 bubble levels. But is the new level a bubble as it has been in the past?
According to RealtyTrac, foreclosure activity rose in 32 states during the third quarter, compared to the same quarter a year ago
Foreclosure rates remain at extremely high levels in by states hardest hit by the collapse of the housing bubble.
Thinkstock More than 35 million U.S. single-family homes and condos, the equivalent of $6.6 trillion in residential property, are at high risk of damage from natural disasters. Those homes account...
In May of 2015, all-cash sales comprised nearly a quarter of all single family and condo sales. The May 2015 total is the lowest since November 2009.
Homeowners in Florida suffered more than those of any other state when the housing bubble collapsed. The aftershocks have not entirely gone away.
In the first quarter of 2015, a total of 17,309 homes were sold as part of an arm's-length sale for the second time in a 12-month period. The common term for that is "flipping."
While throughout the United States buying a home is a better deal financially than renting one, in several markets this is not true, according to research firm RealtyTrac.
The only potential winner in purchase of a foreclose home is the buyer who receives the discount, and perhaps Home Deport, which sells the items for upgrades.
Foreclosure filings in the United States dropped 9% in November, compared with October, and 1% compared with November 2013.
thinkstock.comFor many homebuyers, the top consideration when searching for a place to live is where their children will go to school. As a result, consistently stellar schools often go hand-in-hand...
Distressed home sales in the United States dropped in September, according to RealtyTrac.
According to one of the leading research firms in the real estate industry, foreclosures rose in the third quarter.