
Russia Articles

On top of news that money outflows out of Russia have slowed in 2016, Credit Suisse's emerging markets investing team has lifted its weighting for Russia.
Low oil prices have taken a toll on U.S. producers, sending some of the smaller firms with high debt loads into the bankruptcy courts. The impact on some oil producing nations has created similar...
Moody's now sees increased risks to the global growth story for the 2016 to 2017.
There is an agreement among Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela and Qatar that the four producing nations would freeze output at January levels.
Russian PMI figures will cause more concern about the downward spiral of Russian gross domestic product, which has started to match or exceed the Great Recession.
Fitch said that emerging markets are now more negative than their developed market equivalents in core sectors.
Russia's gross domestic product fell 3.7% last year, according to the official news agency Tass.
Gold may have lost some of its luster to investors, but demand trends remain perhaps more favorable than the price of gold might indicate in dollars.
When Christine Lagarde of the International Monetary Fund spoke last week, it had all the hallmarks of a precursor to a downgrade of the the agency's global growth targets.
Echoing others before it, a fresh report from Fitch Ratings has lowered its global economic outlook for 2015.
Google was found to have violated Russian antitrust laws by requiring that manufacturers pre-install its search and services on their devices.
Retail sales in Russia plunged in July and sales of new cars in particular were down even more.
Really only the five nations added handily to their gold reserves in the first half of 2015, according to the latest data from the World Gold Council.
Wikimedia CommonsThe Central Bank of the Russian Federation, or the Bank of Russia, is again having to deal with currency volatility. While it tries to keep its economy from sliding further at the...
Google without China and Russia is Google without two of the world's most important world markets.