
Russia Articles

ThinkstockGold prices may have just plummeted by double-digits — the biggest percent sell-off in four decades — but some of the world’s central banks are still buying up large amounts of the...
courtesy of BP plc The long saga of BP PLC (NYSE: BP) and its operations in Russia is just about wind up. The U.K. firm today closed the sale of its 50% stake in TNK-BP to Russia’s Rosneft in...
The lower house of Russia’s parliament has approved the country’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in a process that began nearly 20 years ago. The bill still requires the approval...
Based on early geological studies, Poland was believed to be sitting on about 187 trillion cubic feet of natural gas locked up in the same kinds of shale formations that have yielded up massive...
In a brief press release this morning, BP plc (NYSE: BP) has said that the company has “received unsolicited indications of interest regarding the potential acquisition of its shareholding in...
Exxon Mobil Corp. (NYSE: XOM) and Russia’s state-controlled oil company Rosneft have revealed some details of a recent deal the two signed which could result in a total investment of $500 billion....
Ratings agency Standard & Poor’s this morning released a study on the impact of crude oil prices on the Russian economy. A “sustained drop” in the price of crude, “could damage the...
Beginning in 2014, Nissan Motor Co. (OTC: NSANY.PK) will begin selling cars in the emerging markets of India, Russia, and Indonesia under the ‘Datsun’ brand. Nissan stopped using the Datsun name...
In an interview with the Financial Times, Vagit Alekperov, CEO of Lukoil said that Russia’s policy of retaining all its rights to offshore development of what are believed to be vast reserves of...
It seems that all of the nations around the world are facing sovereign credit ratings downgrades or warnings of downgrades. After the United States lost its prized “AAA” rating, the threat of...
Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev told an economic conference last month that he had ordered the government to reduce its controlling interests in some of the country’s biggest companies. He...
Americans are used to being No.1 in nearly all the world’s businesses, and athletic endeavors. The foundation of that certainly began to erode in the 1970’s, when much of America’s...
Wheat prices continue to rise as Russia has set a ban on the exports of the crop. White hit a 23-month high of $8.25 and the price could go higher. It is not clear if yields from farms, particularly...