
Samsung Articles

The reasons for Apple and Samsung to look over their shoulders in the smartphone business have increased as their product lines have aged. Now, three of the world's top smartphone vendors are Chinese.
Despite the success of smartphone sales, as is true with almost any other business, there are only so many customers to go around. Huawei announced its smartphone sales rose 62% in the first half.
For the three months ending in May, Samsung Electronics gained 0.8% of the U.S. smartphone market, and Apple added 0.6% and continues to hold the market share lead.
Courtesy of Apple Inc.The new iWatch is supposed to be everything the iPad and new versions of the iPhone have not been. It is supposed to transform the consumer electronics industry the way the...
Samsung ElectronicsSamsung Electronics introduced its latest tablets on Thursday, the Galaxy Tab S in 8.4-inch and 10.5-inch models. Both have higher resolution displays than the iPad Air and the...
For the three months ending in April, Samsung Electronics gained 1% of market share from Apple and other smartphone makers to grow its share of the U.S. smartphone market to 27.7%.
Samsung has decided that Google has become too powerful in the portable device consumer electronics business. Google's Android has steamrolled the smartphone industry.
Samsung's indestructible Galaxy S5 Active has just hit the shelves at AT&T stores. Both companies are about to find out whether anyone wants a smartphone that is almost bullet proof.
Late Friday afternoon, Apple filed a motion to ban smartphones made by Samsung that Apple claims infringe on its patents. It also filed a request for a retrial in the case that resulted in the $120...
Apple shares reached a special milestone recently. They closed above $600 for the first time since October 2012. The celebration should be muted, though. They are still a long way from topping $700.
courtesy of The Coca-Cola CompanyThe American companies with the best reputations do not have a great deal of common on the surface. They run from Coca-Cola to to Whole Foods. However,...
Many analysts believe that Apple and Samsung are the only profitable smartphone operations. Samsung continues to best Apple in global smartphone sales, and the trend for Apple worsens by the quarter.
Courtesy of Apple Inc.“Wearables,” essential smart devices which people can use as they would glasses or wrist watches, are considered the future of the portable consumer electronics device...
The expected appearance later this year of two new iPhones from Apple is being almost breathlessly anticipated by pundits and bloggers, but what about buyers?
Wikimedia CommonsA team of researchers from Samsung Electronics and Sungkyunkwan University in Korea have succeeded in growing a single-crystal layer of graphene at a size that could lead to the...