
Samsung Articles

The number of people who use connected 4G devices in China reached 770 million last year, well over twice the U.S. population. No wonder China has become a bloody battleground for markets of...
The Apple Watch accounted for 63% of total global smartwatch shipments for the final quarter of 2016, but the market is not nearly as big as often predicted.
Investors were surprised by better than expected sales of the iPhone 7 in the final quarter of last year. Apple topped Samsung in global smartphone shipments, reversing a lead Samsung has enjoyed for...
One measure of the holiday sales of consumer electronics is how many of the products sold are activated by owners. Apple won that race hands down.
Worldwide smartphone sales in the third quarter of 2016 rose 5.4% year over year to 373.3 million units. Overall sales of mobile phones, however, dropped by 1.3% compared with the third quarter of...
The flagging global smartphone industry got a bump in the third quarter as global shipments jumped 6%.
While quarterly sales have been slipping in recent quarters, a drop in full-year sales would be a first for Apple since the iPhone was introduced in 2007.
Global smartphone production volumes rose 10.4% sequentially in the third quarter to approximately 350 million units, according to research firm Trendforce. Chinese brands get the credit for the...
In 2012, Apple won a lawsuit against Samsung Electronics, charging the Korean smartphone maker of infringing on Apple design patents.
When it rains, it pours. At least that's how Korean consumer products maker Samsung must be feeling. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has received over a dozen complaints about the Samsung...
Following a three-year slide in satisfaction with personal computers, U.S. consumers have reversed field in 2016. PCs improved their customer satisfaction rating by 1.3% on the most recent American...
As Samsung tries to recover from the Galaxy Note 7 battery fire recall, some consumers may want to consider the Galaxy Note 5. Released in mid-2015, it remains a highly advanced smartphone.
Survey Monkey recently reported than only 5% of consumers are extremely likely to buy and Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) iPhone 7. All of them must be disgruntled Samsung Galaxy Note 7 owners based on...
Samsung has been rocked by the recall of its Galaxy Note 7. The disaster has pushed the company's shares down. However, it is not it is not in any financial trouble.
Apple’s iPhone 7 was a gamble by the company that a phone slightly better than the iPhone 6 would sell well. The jury will be out for weeks. The collapse of sales of the Samsung Galaxy Note7, and a...