Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Articles

The last massive release of crude from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve was in 1991, when conflicts in the Middle East disrupted the oil markets. That may happen again in the coming weeks if the...
Few economists believe the global economy is growing or will grow soon, at least at a healthy level. High oil prices only make the dicey situation that is the global economy worse.
The drone attack on Saudi Arabia's Abqaiq facility has pushed share prices of U.S. oil and gas companies up sharply. The gains are unlikely to last
After the weekend attacks on Saudi Arabia's oil production and infrastructure, the major and leveraged oil stocks all saw major gains early Monday, but it was a very mixed bag in the transportation...
Is it unimaginable that oil prices could reach $100 a barrel? No. Crude prices reached that point just over a decade ago.
While drones already are being used commercially in many industries, almost every upside use can come with a downside. Drones can be used against the public, businesses, transportation and law...
The surge in U.S. production and the politics of OPEC finances have allowed America to move ahead of Saudi Arabia to become the world's largest oil exporter.
Over the weekend, Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz appointed a new oil minister who will join with a new leader of the country's national oil company in an effort to lift oil prices by at least $15 a...
The OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report for August was released today. It didn't make much noise when it landed.
Saudi Arabia has virtually doubled its oil exports to China and halved its exports to the United States. Is this trouble for the United States, or Saudi Arabia, or China, or even Iran?
Saudi Arabia's state-owned oil company, Saudi Aramco, released its first-ever financial report Monday morning.
Saudi Arabian Airlines' Flyadeal budget airline on Sunday canceled its commitment to purchase up to 50 Boeing 737 MAX jets, the first canceled order since the plane's grounding in March.
The OPEC ministers meeting in Vienna dutifully rubber-stamped an agreement made last week at the G-20 meeting in Osaka between Russia and Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi Aramco bond offering has yielded up a trove of information about the workings of the world's most profitable company.
Saudi Arabian officials have announced an increase in the countries proved oil reserves while in the United States, an estimate of the total resource in the Anadarko Basin has soared.