Social Security

Social Security Articles

Americans continue to protest cuts in Social Security as a  means to bring down the national deficit. It appears that some expect payments to be lower. A new Gallup polls shows that retired people...
Ireland’s new leadership does not believe that either companies that operate within its borders or its citizens should carry the entire cost of pulling the nation out of debt. That supposes that...
Nearly every adult American with a job knows that the “Bush” tax cuts were extended into 2012. The general understanding of most people who have deductions taken out of their pay is that they...
The deficit may be one of the most important issues which faces Americans today and that may continue for several years. A new poll by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News shows that many US...
The old folks can’t find work. Neither can the young. But, the young can wait it out. The old have almost run out of time. The New York Times points out that some people over 50 may never find real...
The IMF lauded the efforts of the U.S. government to reverse a move of the economy toward depression with stimulus spending and rapid changes in Fed policy. The risks to future slowing are not over...