The World Bank

The World Bank Articles

The International Monetary Fund has released the results of a survey of the world's central bankers on the current state of fintech development and where the sector may be headed.
Tesla stock has been getting hammered since the company reported a shortfall in first-quarter deliveries. And while car sales account for the lion's share of Tesla's revenue, the company has another...
The World Bank has launched the first offering of a blockchain managed bond for sale to the general public. The Australian two-year bond has a coupon of 2.251% and is AAA rated.
A major Chinese telecom is dropping in its initial public offering, rising oil prices are expected to undercut airline profits, and other important business headlines.
Moody's expects slack growth in the world's economy for the next two years, which leaves it vulnerable to "shocks" such as those that could cause another financial crisis or recession.
For the first time since the Great Recession, China's economy rose less that 7%. In the first three quarters, the number was 6.9%.
Another large independent organization has followed the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in a downgrade of global growth this year.
Whether it is purchasing managers index statistics or imports and exports, more and more signs point to a tapering of China's growth.
World Health Day is on April 7, and people around the globe are turning their attention to health issues. The global infant mortality rate of 33.6 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2013 has followed a...
In its first two days of release, a 143-minute documentary on the vast pollution problem in China has been viewed by more than 100 million Chinese citizens.
Some fear China's growth rate will continue to sink, which would be signal that a nation with a voracious appetite for imports from much of the rest of the world would be in trouble.
As the world's rich and powerful gather at Davos, the International Monetary Fund had a message for them and other world leaders.
The price for a gallon of gasoline in Hawaii is much more than the national average. The island state has nearly every major disadvantage when it comes to forces that drive gas prices lower.
The World Bank claims it sees the future and does not like it, at least economically. The economic growth of the developing world has lost its momentum.
Many experts believe that Russia will fall into a deep recession next year, due primarily to a drop in oil prices.