
unemployment Articles

Recent reports from North Dakota illustrate just how much demand there is for workers in the Bakken oil and gas fields. Unemployed workers have relatively little trouble finding jobs there, whether...
The California jobs market is as bad as it has been for six decades. But, its plight is better than that of many smaller regions, as measured by both unemployment and housing. One problem in the...
Weekly jobless claims from the Labor Department looks good on the surface, but it isn’t too good and it won’t give any great hope for Friday’s unemployment and payrolls data.  The report shows...
President Obama is set to unveil his new jobs packages. They are meant to bring down unemployment from above 9%, where it has been since just after the start of the recession. His probable plans do...
Those who don’t invest in the stock market would like to pretend stock market crashes don’t concern them, but the truth is that they do. It’s not only those who actively trade who lose money....
The size of the American blue-collar workforce continued to decline in the last decade. Between 2000 and 2010, the economy lost roughly 4 million blue-collar jobs, according to data from the Bureau...
The data on the weekly jobless claims from the U.S. Labor Department is again supporting why the end of QE2 just doesn’t matter.  The Labor Market remains tight and workers are getting fired at a...
The May ADP numbers are awful, showing that the US economy added only 38,000 private sector employees. Public sector jobs are likely to fall as well as austerity measures at the federal, state, and...
Divorce is a common in America today.  In many cases, divorce affects people from all walks of life similarly except for the poor. Between 2005 and 2009, 10.8 percent of “white” people referred...
Twitter  has, by most estimates, 175 million members, which makes it one of the largest social networks in the world. All major media companies are on Twitter and some have more than one million...
The data on weekly jobless claims from the Labor Department fell by 44,000 in the last week to 434,000.  We had expectations of about 430,000 for the week.  Sadly, the already negative reading of...
All fifty states will not carry the US economy to a recovery, if it can recover entirely at all. A careful look at the patterns of aging, births, and population movement shows that nearly 20 states...
No matter what Ben Bernanke says about a slow economic recovery or what improved GDP growth and lower unemployment signal, many Americans still believe the economy is in horrible shape. “More than...
A potential double dip recession was a large concern a year and a half ago. There was a belief that the deep economic downturn of 2008 and 2009 could not generate enough momentum for an even modest...
Twitter  has, by most estimates, 175 million members, which makes it one of the largest social networks in the world. All major media companies are on Twitter and some have more than one million...