vietnam war

vietnam war Articles

A new docuseries has been greenlit by Apple TV+ that will focus on the Vietnam War. The series entitled, Vietnam: The War That Changed America, will focus on different aspects of the war and how it...
Apple TV+ just announced that it will be producing a docuseries about the Vietnam War, entitled Vietnam: The War That Changed America. The series is looking to explore the Vietnam War and the...
Earlier this month, the U.S. Army announced that it would be renaming its Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense system (M-SHORAD). The system will be renamed to SGT STOUT after the Vietnam War Medal of...
The Vietnam War brought with it a new age of military technology. For one, helicopters were employed throughout the conflict in a variety of roles, and infantry weapons made impressive advancements...
The Vietnam War was the first war that was truly televised to the shock and awe of the world. The world saw firsthand the destructive capabilities of American aircraft over the course of this...
For as long as there have been wars, there have been people opposed to war. The ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes put a comic spin on the idea back in 411 B.C. with his “Lysistrata,” in which...
The Vietnam War has been called America’s “Helicopter War” as the addition of helicopters changed much of how war was handled. These helicopters had many roles, ranging from transport, search...
General is the top rank in the Army, Marines, and Air Force nowadays. The highest rank currently attainable in the military is four-star general, though there were five-star generals in WWII like...