
Transportation Articles

More Americans than ever before are expected to travel for the Independence Day holiday. Here is the outlook and some tips from AAA on how to beat the crush.
A recent analysis reveals that Spirit Airlines had the lowest customer satisfaction rating in the United States.
A recent analysis reveals that JetBlue is the worst carrier in the country.
Will the Southwest Airlines CEO face any consequences for the company's poor holiday performance or the pittance compensation for affected passengers?
CEOs who undercut financial performance and the public’s confidence in their products and services should be candidates for dismissal.
People have tried to get more than 6,300 firearms, mostly loaded, onto planes so far this year.
U.S. railroads have not been able to reach a deal with the unions to keep trains running. This is not good news for consumers.
The number of air traffic passenger miles in America collapsed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, the figure was about 306 billion. That was down from an average of 750 billion in the two...
A recent analysis reveals what about driving cars causes the most anxiety.
A 24/7 Wall St. analysis reveals that drivers are safest in this city in North Carolina.
Parking in America’s largest cities can be expensive. Some parking lots in Manhattan require payments of $600 a month, close to the monthly price of an apartment in much less crowded cities....
A recent analysis reveals that Air New Zealand is now the safest airline in the world.
The COVID-19 pandemic cut down traffic in America’s largest cities. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) found that traffic dropped by half in some metro areas in the U.S. and...
The world's largest cruise ship is part of the Royal Caribbean fleet, but it will not hold the crown for long.
A recent analysis reveals which U.S. cities are the worst for getting stuck in the airport.