{"sector":"Services","industry":"Media","symbol":"MNI","company_name":"The McClatchy Company","exchange":"NYSE"}

MNI Articles

The odds that McClatchy papers will be sold is high, and there is already a list of potential buyers.
One would think the wider newspaper industry could take a page from The New York Times playbook to salvage what is left of it. Unfortunately, it can't.
A consolidation almost certainly would kill dozens of jobs at the corporate level and others in geographic areas where the two companies have properties that overlap.
McClatchy makes large staff cuts, American Airlines cuts flights because of fuel prices, Uber picks a chief financial officer, and other important business headlines.
A growing body of evidence suggests that newspaper revenue dropped as much as 10% in the first quarter, an intractable problem that continues to vex publishers.
There is no question the health of the newspaper industry has gotten much worse over the past 20 years as online news has crippled what has been, until recently, a print business.
Newsprint prices may cripple already challenged newspaper company bottom lines. As more papers fold or are forced to cut editorial staff, the industry cannot handle another major financial headwind.
New tariffs levied against newsprint imported from Canada to the U.S. will cost already struggling newspapers millions of dollars. Survival is not guaranteed.
Due to plans to put tariffs on newsprint made in Canada, prices for a product at the heart of the newspaper industry could rise.
McClatchy shares have been hit by another wave of selling. Concerns remain about the number of its digital subscriptions and its debt.
In the past five trading days, many of America's largest publicly traded newspaper companies have been under siege on Wall Street.
The traditional newspaper business in the U.S. will continue its decline, according to Moody’s Investor Services. One of the few points of relief will be the ability to cut costs. Moody’s...
With Tronc as a prized new client, The Washington Post might pick up some other large customers for its licensed publishing platform.
Each of these companies faces challenges if the purchase of national media properties becomes a major strategic path in the newspaper industry to increase audience size, revenue and earnings.
The Street is reporting that Tronc may buy celebrity magazine Us Weekly from Wenner Media.