consumer spending

consumer spending Articles

When things go wrong inside of companies, they often go really wrong. First, Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 smartphone started catching on fire. Now Samsung is having continued woes with its washing...
There are roughly 315 million people in the United States. Some 27.3 million of them will be airline passengers over Thanksgiving week.
According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, personal income rose less than expected in September.
The latest personal savings rate as a percentage of disposable income may look high on the surface. Unfortunately, it is not if you consider that the personal savings rate is actually on a downward...
Some of the key takeaways from the Adobe 2016 Digital Insights Shopping Predictions and Mobile Retail Trends Report.
Candy companies will have a good Halloween, as will trick-or-treaters. According to new research, the average household will spend $30.60 for Halloween candy.
The Thanksgiving weekend, which includes Black Friday, has bedeviled large retailers. Do they pressure workers to work when they would rather be with their families?
Lucky lottery winners better have some serious plans in place if they win. Most importantly, those lucky few better know exactly what not to do.
That retail sales in September showed a bit of a comeback after a disappointing August may fly in the face of the retail sales we have seen from some of the nation's largest retailers.
The Bureau of Economic Analysis has released its reading for personal income and spending for the month of August.
Here are 12 ways that diners can save money eating out at restaurants. If you skeptical, give any one of these efforts a try. You may be surprised by how much you really save.
Of the more than $8 billion that the National Retail Federation expects U.S. consumers to spend on Halloween celebrations in 2016, almost a third of that will be spent on candy.
It has not been much of a secret that consumer spending on casual dining has seen a drop of late. Now it turns out that restaurants are also getting bit when it comes to lunch spending.
Wishing for higher inflation sometimes just feels odd. You have to have higher prices in the future to help with growth, but it means we all have to pay more (and earn more) to buy the same things.
Back-to-school spending in the United States is expected to rise in 2016, which makes ways to save money more important than ever.