Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Articles

Apple's new App Tracking Transparency feature does not appear to have had a negative effect on revenues at either Snap or Twitter. Both companies easily topped second-quarter revenue estimates.
Flooding in China threatens Apple's largest iPhone manufacturing factory, and operating systems updates may be a problem for some users.
A new report from Nikkei Asia claims that beginning in the first half of next year, all new iPhones will include 5G capability.
A new report from Amnesty International and Forbidden Stories calls into question Apple's claim to a leadership position in online security and privacy.
Apple is reportedly considering an always-on feature for the coming release of this year's iPhones.
Apple has dropped to third in the global ranking of smartphone shipments. The company's shipments rose by just 1% year over year in the second-quarter.
Apple posted an all-time high share price on Wednesday and, in the process, achieved a market cap of $2.5 million, the first U.S. company to reach that level.
Unnamed sources have said that Apple is increasing the size of its order for the soon-to-be-released new iPhones by 20%.
Global shipments of Apple PCs rose by nearly 20% in the second quarter, more than any other PC maker.
Apple is said to be in discussions with the NFL for streaming rights to some games beginning after the 2022 season.
Rumors have intensified that Apple will drop the Touch Bar from the next generation of MacBook Pro.
A Facebook-sponsored study of app use on both iPhones and Android-based phones found that Apple and Google dominate in their respective ecosystems. Apple called the study "flawed."
Another new idea in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) is a synthetic stock that does not include any equity stake. Fake shares in Apple and other big tech firms are already being traded.
Apple has apparently turned back a Chinese challenge to its app tracking feature but has been ordered by the government to remove an app from the Chinese App Store.
Apple is preparing to test a program that would allow Apple Store employees to work from home some of the time.