Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Articles

The Atlanta Fed's most recent addition of the calculations shows that U.S. gross domestic product rose only 0.6% in the first quarter, well below almost any mainstream forecast.
A new survey from the Dallas Fed shows oil patch optimism rising as producers and services companies say the oil and gas business is improving.
If the Federal Reserve and the financial markets are correct, 2017 will end up being the year that interest rates start to become more and more normalized on a historical basis.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas's Texas manufacturing outlook survey for the month of March showed that manufacturing activity strengthened in the state for the ninth consecutive month.
In each of the past three years, U.S. productivity has risen less than 1%, well below an average of about 2.2% since the end of World War II. Josh Bivens suggests how to raise productivity back to...
A national report issued by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago shows that economic growth increased in the month of February.
Now that the Federal Reserve has voted to raise interest rates for the first time in 2017, it is important to consider what this might mean for borrowers. Specifically, home buyers.
Credit Suisse took the opportunity to weigh in on a couple of the major banks that stand to benefit the most from the new rate hike.
If you were under the belief that the underlying economy was not yet strong enough to support an interest rate hike, note that the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates.
Maybe all that post-election economic hope and all the day in and day out record highs on the Dow Jones Industrial Average and in the S&P 500 Index had some meat to it after all.
24/7 Wall St. recently showed how Credit Suisse had capitulated that the Federal Reserve and Chair Janet Yellen were on track to hike rates as soon as the March Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)...
Now it seems that the Federal Reserve's chances of a federal funds rate hike may be sooner and faster than what the markets were expecting.
It may not seem like a secret that things are looking better for Texas in 2017 than 2016. After a painful two years of oil trends, the data around energy, manufacturing and employment all seem to...
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York's Center for Microeconomic Data has released its reading for the level of household debt for the fourth quarter of 2016.
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen spoke on Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, California. Her speech was titled ‘The Goals of Monetary Policy and How We Pursue...