
Gallup Articles

Americans are not any happier than they were last year. In fact, they are slightly more miserable. At least, that’s what the recent Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index shows. The annual index...
Americans remained pessimistic about the economy last year. Confidence has improved recently, reaching its highest levels since last spring, but has fallen from -28 in 2010 to -37 in 2011, according...
The White House and some in Congress favor tax breaks for companies that bring back jobs from overseas. It appears that most Americans do as well, which sets up a tension between job creation and an...
Many Americans believe that the only way the housing market will recover soon is if the federal government takes an aggressive role in its improvement. That will require a sea change in the way...
Americans are unusually dissatisfied with big government and big business. There is irony in that, because many of the solutions to major problems in the U.S. will have to come from these two...
The fear that a drop in public sector jobs could undermine overall national employment has become a reality. The economy may have added an average of over 100,000 jobs each of the past six months....
The unemployment situation in the U.S. improved in the final quarter of last year, but ever so slightly. The federal government says the economy added a little over 120,000 new jobs in October and...
Flickr - Marshall AstorAs the American jobs situation has slightly improved, people have become more concerned about the quality of the jobs that can get. That appears to mean people believe that...