
Gallup Articles

ThinkstockMuch of the conversation about wealth centers on the top 1% or 5% in America who have extraordinarily high income and net worth. The divide between “haves” and “have nots” becomes...
ThinkstockIn the matter of how large the holiday sales pie will be this year, the size apparently will be small. That means retailers, both store-based and Internet-based, will need to take business...
ThinkstockSo far, the list of reasons shoppers may let down the retail industry this year includes unemployment that is still at high levels, weak store sales over the Thanksgiving weekend and a...
ThinkstockThe data about unemployment in Europe has been grim since before the recession. However, while the jobless rate has improved throughout much of the world, in the economically weakest...
Thinkstock During the global financial crisis, suffering increased globally. According to a survey recently published by Gallup, 14% of the world’s population was suffering in 2012, compared to 11%...
nationsonline.orgPeople who “suffer” the least are concentrated in a few areas, according to a new poll from Gallup. These countries have a number of circumstances that are common among their...
ThinkstockBy most measures, close to a third of Americans are overweight if the scientific BMI measurement is used. Some smaller portion are “morbidly obese”, at the far end of the yardstick of...
ThinkstockResearcher find two measurements which best gauge air quality. One comes from object data about the quality itself. The second comes from the perceptions of the people who live in the...
ThinkstockLast year consumers spent an average of $786 on holiday gifts, but if the latest poll from Gallup is correct they’ll be sitting on the wallets this year. Americans say they plan to spend...
thinkstockAmerican’s have become sick of the federal health care exchange site. It happened so quickly, as a matter of fact, that they now worry about health care as the country’s most severe...
ThinkstockThe collapse in Americans’ confidence in the economy brought on by the shutdown of the federal government is slowly rising again. The Gallup economic confidence index plunged to -39 in...
ThinkstockOne of the keys to McDonald’s Corp.’s (NYSE: MCD) profits is its ability to pay its store workers are little as legally possible — sometimes not much better than the federal minimum...
ThinkstockIn a tracking survey that estimates the percentage of the U.S. population employed at least 30 hours a week, Gallup reports that the Payroll to Population (P2P) employment rate rose...
fotopediaThe declining number of marriages gets criticized as a lack of commitment between people, or a challenge to the moral belief that people should not simply live together. Economists argue...
ThinkstockSome people may be happy to see the federal government taking some time off, but the fallout is threatening to cripple many businesses and consumers alike. Now we have yet another private...