GDP Articles

ThinkstockOne day after Christine Lagarde remarked that the International Monetary Fund may cut its global 2013 GDP forecast below its current 3.3%, Citigroup has cut its China forecast to 7.4%. The...
ThinkstockChina’s purchasing managers index (PMI) held about even last month. It was good news, even if only relatively. A growing number of economists have become convinced that China’s exports...
ThinkstockThought it is barely above the poverty line, many Americans believe that they can live on $24,000 a year. The number is implausibly low, but perhaps a sign that many people have set their...
ThinkstockIt’s official. The manufacturing sector of China has reached a dead halt. June purchasing managers index (PMI) was 50.1%, just a tad above the point of contraction. The number is...
ThinkstockThe Commerce Department has released its second and (supposedly) final reading of the first-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) for 2013. As this is a second revision, it would require a...
ThinkstockWhere do companies what to invest their money, outside of their own boarders? The United States. It is an odd conclusion, since the economy here has been relatively stagnant, and it even...
ThinkstockIf China is truly the world’s growth engine, there is about to be less growth and less reason to be optimistic about the global recovery. HSBC has trimmed its gross domestic product...