oil prices

oil prices Articles

Charles I. Plosser, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, would like the central bank to get out of the QE2 business as soon as possible. He offers a number of...
At a presentation to analysts today, Exxon Mobil Corp. (NYSE: XOM) said it plans to invest about $34 billion in “high-quality” projects in 2011, and that spending through 2015 would average...
Economic optimism tailed off in February. Oil prices are at least partly to gain, although the data is from a month ago. It is not hard to guess that the figures will worsen in March Gallup reports...
The equivalent of PMI in Europe is starting to look like China’s. EuroStat announced that “In January 2011 compared with January 2010, industrial producer prices gained 6.1% in the euro area and...
Just as passenger and freight traffic have begun to improve for the world’s airlines, rising crude oil prices have thrown a monkey wrench into the airlines’ hopes of profitability in 2011. The...
The National Association for Business Economics said the deficit was its No.1 concern. (Reuters) Congress appears less likely to shut down the government because of budget problems. (Reuters) The...
EADS division Airbus lost out on an Air Force tanker to Boeing (NYSE: BA) (Reuters) Gold and oil moved higher on concerns about Libya (Reuters) Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) launched a new MacBook Pro...
24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely...
The oil majors will be reporting reserves replacement figures for 2010 over the next few weeks as they prepare their 10-Ks for the SEC. ConocoPhillips Corp. (NYSE: COP) reported replacement ratios at...
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has raised its estimate for global oil demand by 120,000 barrels/day for 2011, to a total of 89.3 million barrels/day. The increase came as a result of greater...
The month of December was not so hot for international air carriers. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), air traffic demand growth fell by -2.3% month-over-month, from...
Whether or not the 1,700-mile Keystone XL that would transport crude oil from Canada’s oil sands to the US Gulf coast is necessary all depends on one’s point of view.  Some, mostly in the oil...
Delta Airlines (NYSE: DAL) said that an increase in the cost it must pay for fuel could  hurt its earnings for the balance of the year. The International Air Transport Association, which constantly...
OPEC meets this weekend. Output from the members of the cartel is about a third the world’s total which means these nations account for about 29 million barrels a day. OPEC ministers say they are...
MarketWatch:   The IMF expects slow growth this year and next. Reuters:   The battle between the oil industry and government on drilling regulations continues. Reuters:   The Gulf leak could be...